Sam Green (MA, 1981) had six poems published in Prairie Schooner Volume 93, Issue 1.
BA, 1980: Dion Lissner O’Reilly
Dion Lissner O’Reilly (BA, 1980) has poetry appearing or forthcoming in New Ohio Review, Sugar House Review, The Sun, Rattle, Spillway, New Letters, Canary, and a variety of other journals and anthologies, including an upcoming Lambda Literary Anthology. Her work has been nominated for Pushcarts, the Intro Journals Project, and was sent to the judges of The Folio Literary Journal Poetry Contest and the Peseroff Prize.
MA, 1980: Paul Lindholdt
Paul Lindholdt (MA, 1980) has published essays in Kenyon Review, Crab Orchard Review, and Southern Review. Other essays are forthcoming in Seneca Review and Tampa Review.
BA, 1978: Robert Stothart
Robert Stothart (BA, 1978) won the 2018 Conger Beasley, Jr. Award in Nonfiction from the journal New Letters for his essay “Cataract Surgery.”
MA, 1972: David Caulfield
David Caulfield (MA, 1972) is currently working on the final revision of his novel, Ever a Fighter, originally published by XLIBRIS in August 2016.
BA, 1967: Vern Giesbrecht
Vern Giesbrecht (BA, 1967) has become a regular contributor to BC History Magazine, publishing eight articles since the Fall 2012 issue, as well as writing book reviews.
BA, 1966: Steve May
Steve May (BA, 1966) has authored six articles about Emily Dickinson under the pen name Krans Bloeimaand that have been published in the Emily Dickinson Bulletin, an official organ of the Emily Dickinson International Society. A seventh piece will be submitted in time for the fall, 2019 issue.