Selected Publications

Monica M. Moritsch1,, Kristin B. Byrd1, Melanie Davis2, Anthony Good3, Judith Z. Drexler4, James T. Morris5, Isa Woo6, Lisamarie Windham-Myers7, Eric Grossman8, Glynnis Nakai9, *Katrina L. Poppe10, John Rybczyk.  2022. Can coastal habitats rise to the challenge? Resilience of estuarine habitats, carbon accumulation, and its value to sea-level rise adaptation planning in a Puget Sound estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.

Poppe, K. M and J.M. Rybczyk. 2022 . Assessing the future of an intertidal seagrass meadow in response to sea level rise with a hybrid ecogeomorphic model of elevation change. Ecological Modelling, v. 469.

45) Rybczyk, J.M., J.W. Day,  and A. Yáñez-Arancibia, and J.H. Cowan.  In 2022.  Global Climate Change in Estuarine Systems In: Estuarine Ecology, 3rd Edition. J.W. Day, W. Kemp and A. Yáñez-Arancibia, Eds. Wiley.

Russell, B.T., Cressman, K.A., Schmit, J.P., Shull, S., Rybczyk, J.M. and Frost, D.L., 2022. How should surface elevation table data be analyzed? A comparison of several commonly used analysis methods and one newly proposed approachEnvironmental and Ecological Statistics, pp.1-33.

Poppe, K., & Rybczyk, J. (2021). Tidal marsh restoration enhances sediment accretion and carbon accumulation in the Stillaguamish River estuary, Washington.  PLOS ONE. 6(9): e0257244.

Poppe, K., & Rybczyk, J. (2021). Climatic Impacts on Salt Marsh Vegetation. In D. FitzGerald & Z. Hughes (Eds.), Salt Marshes: Function, Dynamics, and Stresses (pp. 337-366). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316888933.016

Prentice, C., K. Poppe, M. Lutz, E. Murray, T.A Stephens, A. Spooner, M. Hessing-Lewis, R. Sanders-Smith, J.M. Rybczyk, J. Apple, F.T. Short, J. Gaeckle, A. Helms, C. Mattson, W.W. Raymond, T.Klinger. 2020. A synthesis of blue carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the Northeast Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.

Day, J.W. and J.M. Rybczyk. 2019. Global Change Impacts on the Future of Coastal Systems: Perverse Interactions Among Climate Change, Ecosystem Degradation, Energy Scarcity, and Population 

Poppe, K and J.M. Rybczyk. 2018. Evaluating the carbon sequestration capacity of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Northwest Science 92 (2) 80 – 91.

Hunter, R.G., J.W. Day, R.R. Lane, G.P. Shaffer, J.N. Day, W.H. Conner, and J.M. Rybczyk. 2018.  Using Natural Wetlands for Municipal Effluent Assimilation: A Half- Century of Experience for the Mississippi River Delta and Surrounding Environs:  2018.  In: N. Nagabhatla and C.D. Metcalfe (eds.) Pollution Abatement by Natural and Constructed Wetlands, Springer Publishing, New York, NY. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-67416-2_2

Hongqing Wang, G. D. Steyer, B. R. Couvillion, H. J. Beck, J. M. Rybczyk, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, K. W. Krauss, and J. M. Visser. 2017. Predicting Landscape Effects of Mississippi River Diversions on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration by Vertical Accretion in Louisiana Deltaic Wetlands under Future Environmental Scenarios.  Ecosphere 8 (11). DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1984

Rybczyk, J.M., A. F. Hamlet, C. MacIlroy and L. Wasserman.  2016. From Glaciers to Estuary: Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Skagit River Basin.Northwest Science. 91: 1-4.

Hongqing Wang, G. D. Steyer, B. R. Couvillion, J. M. Rybczyk, H. J. Beck, E. A. Meselhe, R. G. Boustany, C. J. Fischenich, V. H. Rivera-Monroy.  2014.  Predicting Landscape Effects of Mississippi River Diversions on Surface Elevation and Vertical Accretion in Louisiana Deltaic Wetlands under Future Environmental Uncertainty Scenarios. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 57-68.

Brady R. Couvillion, G. D. Steyer, H. Wang, H. J. Beck, and J. M. Rybczyk. 2013. Forecasting the Effects of Coastal Protection and Restoration Projects on Wetland Morphology in Coastal Louisiana under Multiple Environmental Uncertainty Scenarios. Journal of Coastal Research: Special Issue 67 – Louisiana′s 2012 Coastal Master Plan Technical Analysis: pp. 29 – 50. DOI: 10.2112/SI_67_3

Day, J.W., A. Yanez-Arancibia and J.M. Rybczyk. 2013. Climate Change as a key variable for a socially and economically sustainable future: a synthesis. Pages 151 – 166 In: Ecological Dimensions for Sustainable Socioeconomic Development. A. Yanex-Arancibia, R. Davalos Sotelo, J.W. Day and E. Reyes. Eds. WIT Press. UK.

Fagherazzi, S.,M. Kirwan, S. Mudd, G. Guntenspergen, S. Temmerman, A. D’Alpaos, J. van de Koppel, C. Craft, J. Rybczyk, E. Reyes, and J. Clough.  2012. Numerical Models of Salt Marsh Evolution: Ecological, Geomorphic and Climatic Factors. Reviews of Geophysics. doi:10.1029/2011RG000359

Rybczyk, J.M., J.W. Day, A. Yáñez-Arancibia, and J.H. Cowan. 2012. Global Climate Change and Estuarine Systems.  In: Estuarine Ecology, 2ndEdition. J.W. Day, W. Kemp and A.Yáñez-Arancibia, Eds. Wiley.

Callaway, J.C., A. B. Borde, H.L. Diefenderfer, V. Thomas Parker, J.M. Rybczyk and R.M. Thom. 2012.  Pacific Coast Tidal Wetlands. Pages: 103 – 116. In. D. Batzer and A. Baldwin eds., Wetland Habitats of North America: Ecology and Conservation Concerns. University of California Press.  Berkeley, CA.

Day, J. W., A. Yáñez-Arancibia and J.M. Rybczyk. 2011.  Climate Change: Effects, Causes, Consequences: Physical, Hydromorphological, Ecophysiological, and Biogeographical Changes. In: Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Eds., E. Wolanski, and D. McLusky), Elsevier.

Day, J.W., A. Yáñez-Arancibia, J. H. Cowan, R. H. Day, R. Twilley and J. Rybczyk. 2011.  Global climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico: In: Considerations for integrated coastal management. Ecosystem Based Management. Volume V. The Gulf of Mexico, Its Origins, Waters, Biota, and Human Impact. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Kairis, P. andJ.M. Rybczyk. 2010.  A Spatially Explicit Relative Elevation Model for Padilla Bay, WA.  Ecological Modeling. 221: 1005 -1016. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.01.025