About the Author

Hey I would like you all to know that I am what I would consider a “normal” college freshman, what ever that means.  For the majority of my life I have been interested in one form of history or another, from the Dinosaurs to the post modernist period.  Helping to contribute to this is my lack of interest when it comes to fictional or creative writing of any kind, for me it is nearly impossible to come up with a satisfactory story that follows fictional characters or a fictitious story line.  This in turn has lead me to prefer to do most of my writing in a non-fiction format helping me formulate my thoughts about real word issues, history, and various scientific topics.  Now that I have given you a bit of back ground I want to move into why I chose such a hot topic to do my final project on, for me it was an obvious choice, it is the perfect blend of history and social commentary all blended into one small topic.  I beloved that this would allow me to stay interested and engaged in the work while still being able to put forth a product that would keep my audience engaged and interested.  It may come across as some sort of social or political statement on my part however I would like to just present the facts in a variety of mediums so that each and every person can formulate their own opinion even if I disagree with their ultimate choice.  For me it is of upmost importance that we learn from our past and seek to never repeat the mistakes of our predisposes which is another reason for me choosing a topic such as this one.  While many ideas through out our history as a species have come from the right place in our hearts and minds they fall apart fantastically when implemented into the societies of the world.  This being said it is partial my goal to prevent this from happening again as it pertains to Eugenics.

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