The Artwork of Eugenics

This piece of art word has some of the same aspects and design elements as an older movie poster or some sort of entertainment poster from years past.  Its hand crafted feel and use of bright vibrant colors give it an eye catching yet “fake” appearance at first glance.  However upon closer inspection it contains many elements that apply directly to Eugenics and the themes surrounding this topic.  The piece is set in some sort of computer room or other space with a giant circuit board on the back wall giving it a futuristic or technological feel right off the bat, this is followed up by a man in a lab coat and surgeons mask and hat pouring chemicals into a beaker in front of some sort of incomplete small person in some sort of incubator.  I believe that the back ground represents the role that technology plays into the eugenics ideology, the scientist represents the Human interaction or interference with the natural process of creating a human being, and finally the small incomplete Human being trapped inside an incubator represents the perceived imperfections of man the the attempts through science to correct an improve upon these flaws by scientists.


Citation for the photo:

“Episode 705 Artwork‘Eugenics Singularity = ?” by Riday.” No Agenda Art Generator :: Eugenics Singularity = ?,