Meet The Author

My full name is Esteban Valladares-Hernandez Jr. I enjoy listening to sad songs because they make me sad too. I also enjoy keeping up with new technologies that are being developed, it blows my mind how quickly we progressed in the world of technology. Sadly, I am no longer the avid reader I was in middle school, my reading now consists of research papers and news articles.

I do plan on reading a book for fun soon, one of my favorite music artists is releasing their debut novel. I already pre-ordered the book, I have never been more excited to read a book in my entire life than I am now. I grew up loving books and trying my hardest to read more and more complex books. My motivation was that I was an ELL student, the school believed my English was not up to standard, so they put me in an English Language Learner class. Even as a kid I knew that I didn’t belong in ELL, I was just an extremely shy kid that got nervous reading. We had reading levels so I tried to get to the highest level possible to prove I can read better than anyone else in my class.

From there, reading levels started to become meaningless so I read for fun. In middle school I fell in love with a book series called Cherub by Robert Muchamore, there are 12 books in that series, and I read all of them in 7th grade. For me it was an amazing accomplishment because I’ve never done something like that in my life. The books are about young adult spy’s going through crazy missions. Whenever I stared reading, I become lost in the world Muchamore created. When I finally finished the last book, my eyes became waterfalls. I felt like I grew up with all the characters in the book and felt empty when it was all over. Part of me is still wishing to reignite that flame I had when I read those books. Maybe this project will help me find that flame again.