Technology In A Manual

Technology in a manual:

Technology in a Manual:

The purpose of the manual is to describe and explain its technology in a way the audience can understand it. Manuals have diagrams and labels to describe and show in greater detail the functions and features of its technology. For this example I found a manual from a desktop computer. I’ve taken a screenshot of a page in the manual were it shows a picture of the front of the computer with labels on all the important features. Manuals show my theme of technology well because their purpose is to make the reader understand what they are reading. Not everyone who buy an electronic device knows the technology within it, these manuals are made to guide the buyer towards a better understanding of the product.

I chose this piece because it illustrates the features best known from manuals and is connected  to the theme of technology. Computers are complicated machines that take time and research to fully understand. Manuals have a unique trait to quickly show relative information that the user look for when needed. In most manuals there is a tables of contents that points the reader to the information they are seeking, this is unique to this genre. A table on contents fits perfectly within this genre because manuals are made to show off the most relevant information about the product, as condensed as possible. Being able to find that information easily is important to manuals.

Technology and manuals are connected by fate. When there are new technologies and electronics, there are new manuals to help explain these wonders. Manuals must use a condensed style of writing, this is because they must assume the reader is looking for the information as quickly as possible so they don’t have time to read paragraphs of fluff. This, straight to the point writing is important to the genre and fits the theme well.