Technology in Presentations

Technology in Presentations: 

Here I have a video presentation on computers. As much as it pains me to watch myself give a presentation on computer components, I will explain how I explored this genre and how it fits with my theme. My presentation was an informative speech on the components of a computer, this was given in front of other students as well as the IA who graded us. Presentations can go from extremely well, to a complete train-wreck. Mine can be somewhere in the middle, this was one of the first speeches I’ve ever done in college so I was very nervous. The purpose of my speech was to better inform my audience of the components that make up the electronics they use almost everyday. My presentation was connected to my theme of technology because I go into the specifics of how the components work and the purpose of them is. I believe presentations are difficult to do in the technology theme because sometimes there is so much information to share but there is limited time to share it.