
Princess Cyd (2017)


Sixteen-year-old Cyd Loughlin visits her aunt in Chicago for the summer, to escape her depressed single father. Soon after Cyd arrives she meets Katie, a barista at a nearby coffee shop. Sparks fly as their relationship deepens from that very first encounter.  Throughout the summer Cyd’s relationship with Katie becomes stronger and filled with passion.


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For anyone who hasn’t seen this movie, warning there are some spoilers ahead! Princess Cyd is an hour and thirty-six minutes long drama/Romance. One of the earlier scenes is with Cyd and Katie. Cyd stumbles across a coffee shop while on a run, lost she asks for directions. Inside she finds, what she learns to be as, Katie. Immediately Cyd is drawn to Katie and agrees to go on a walk with her. After Katie’s shift, they walk around the neighborhood of Cyd’s aunt’s house. This scene stands out because Cyd is able to open up to Katie and tell her some intimate details about herself. Before coming to Chicago, where Cyd’s aunt lives, Cyd was closed off and didn’t talk much about what why she went to her aunt’s place, to begin with. There is another scene that is much later in the movie where Cyd’s aunt, Cyd, and Katie come back from the beach. They go up to Cyd’s room to shower, but Cyd fulfills her desire to have sex with Katie. After they have sex, they lay in bed talking about how Cyd’s mother died. At this point in the movie, we have learned that Cyd has a kind-of boyfriend back home. We also discover that Cyd had a brother who was mentally ill, he shot himself then the mother. This scene shows how intimate Cyd is becoming with Katie, and how much Cyd trusts Katie. There is a scene in the movie that occurs before Cyd and Katie have sex, Cyd’s aunt throws a house party. At the party, there is a lesbian couple who talk to Cyd about their experiences. They both were married to men; one woman was widowed and the other one divorced her husband. The couple asks Cyd what she is into, meaning what gender she prefers, and she answers “everything”.