Meet The Author

Hello everyone, I really hope you enjoyed my exploration! As an author, I love super open ended prompts or questions. I chose this extension project because I liked how much freedom it gave me to really examine the topics I wanted to. I chose love because I am a hopeless romantic and thought there would be lots of mediums for me to choose from. As a writer I have been getting into the more scientific aspect of writing, and have found passion through research so I immediately looked for love in science. I found a couple articles that I was super intrigued by and could write about for hours, but I knew there was more for me to find. I wanted to stretch my comfort zone on this project so I began looking into poems and comics because they aren’t the mediums I usually tend to. At first, I was a little confused by these mediums because I just didn’t know how to analyze these abstract writings. After diving deeper and really trying to find connections I was surprised by all the new things I was able to interpret. I made new connections all found love in all kinds of ways. As mentioned earlier, my favorite topic was probably the scientific and psychological articles. I was already passionate about this medium so it was easy for me to find and analyze. My least favorite was probably the comic because it was the hardest for me to truly understand. Overall, as an author I got to explore familiar and unfamiliar topics and learned a lot about my sense of style.