Research Article

“An article in Psychopharmacology (2012) concluded when compared to behavioral addiction, social attachment is similar—individuals become addicted to other because of the returned reward. There is a chemical chain of reaction triggered in our bodies ultimately instigating the feeling of love to strike our minds. Actually, falling in love is getting into a beautiful trap set up by nature, a natural occurrence we cannot fight.  According to a science-based study by Arthur Arun, on average, the mind of a person takes between 90 seconds to 4 minutes to determine whether it is struck by love or not.”


As you may know, I am super passionate about psychology and research so I knew I wanted to explore love in the medium of science. I absolutely love this excerpt. I plan to major in behavioral neuroscience so this was right up my alley. Looking at love at a neurological level was super powerful to me. This article is saying that love actually sets off a chemical reaction in our body which was then compared to addiction. I have been in love before and can totally relate to where this article is coming from. I have also seen some of my friends in unhealthy relationships and this article helps me realize how addicted they may have been. The quote mentions how we cannot fight love, and it is in our nature to instigate this feeling. I am amazed by this information and after reading it I actually went and watched a ted talk on this exact phenomena because I was so inspired. At the end, they throw in a statistic about the time it takes the mind to acknowledge whether it had been struck by love or not this. I enjoy this part because it makes me think that we experience love in a lot of different ways, not just through some kind of deep relationship. This also gets me excited because it means that it is a lot easier then we think to spread love and that is crazy powerful. This article made just gleam with excitement so thanks for the challenge and forcing us to explore these kinds of things.