For this extension project, I converted my literary narrative into another art form: watercolor. I was inspired through watercolor last weekend as I sat on the beach on the Oregon coast. My friends were making their own non-school related art, and I thought I might as well try to convey my narrative into another form while I was there. Watercolor allows a new sense of expression that isn’t just word-restricted. With watercolor, I could demonstrate my feelings at the time through the colors of the monkey and jungle behind it that a piece of writing wouldn’t allow me to do. I tried to paint it as if a synesthete had, where you “hear” color and associate specific words with colors. Visual art is a whole different mode of communication that I personally appreciate more so than written pieces. It’s an expression of emotion, but with a completely different take on it which I love. This new medium of watercolor expands my writing in that the viewer can now see the monkey in the story that I wrote about, instead of reading a description. I could have chosen to paint all of the animals that I wrote about, but I feel like I feel most attached to the monkey and it deserved to be a central focus of my art.
Very cool how you incorporated the interaction with this media in a way a synesthete would. What great analysis of both medium and genre.
It is a delight to see you put your words into an artistic expression.
Great work.