For one research project that I participated in, I sat down with my peer in an interview about social media and its effects on human communication and interaction. I was asked a total of three questions including what my preferred method of communication was, why that was my favorite form, and what form of communication I used the most. My participation was valuable in this study because I use social media in my everyday life and communicate with a variety of people everyday, so the data collected from my interview was reliable and provided important information for their research. The effect that social media has on modern day culture is an intriguing topic, and it will be interesting to see what the results of this study were and how people in this society today are being affected by social media.
For another research project I participated in, I was asked a plethora of questions similar to the first research project. Instead of social media, this interview was about linguistics and aimed to observe if knowing different languages and taking language classes aided in excelling at school. These questions included if I took any language classes in High School, what they were, what my grades were while taking these classes, if I was bilingual, and if I felt like knowing another language helped me in school. I was valuable in this research project because I took two years of Spanish in High School and I am constantly around my family that speaks fluent Italian, so I am no stranger to other languages. Although I was unsure if this was the reason why I excelled in school, it was still interesting to think about.
For the last research study I participated in, the objective was to see if there was a correlation between the type of sport played and a student’s ability/confidence in reading and writing. I was a perfect candidate for this interview because I have played sports my whole life as well as worked hard in school. In this interview I was asked a couple questions such as what sports I played, what my grades in English were, if I took any challenging English courses, and the effect that I felt sports had on my reading and writing ability. I provided valid insight for this study as I felt like participating in sports helped me stay focused in school and keep a determined mindset through all the challenging courses I took.
Looks great Sophie! Thank you for participating in research interviews…from someone who does research, it’s really awesome we we get willing and wonderful participants like yourself!