I decided to make the painting out of flow acrylic paints. I chose this style because I thought it was a creative way to show how the narrative could be portrayed in the painting. Its unique because it doesn’t have a rhyme or reason to it. There is more of a messy aspect to this artwork. I think it can communicate how at the time of the narrative I was little. The new medium expands the imagery of the story. The colors I used were symbolic while the green showed the living room color, which is where the story takes place. The tan beige color to show the couch which is mentioned in the narrative. The pink was to show that I was a little girl at the time. Pink is used as a symbolic color for a girl when they are little to distinguish sex. Also, the blue was used to show the cover of the book. In addition the blue was predominant in the book that my narrative was about. The white that was used was to create negative space, so it would have cohesion and not just be colors on top of other colors. When we did the collage in class, I made an audio collage with my partner. This is why I didn’t want to do another audio collage of just my narrative alone, I wanted to do something different. I was able to do this painting for the project over Thanksgiving break simply because it is a very messy form of painting and I couldn’t do it on campus. The overall picture turned out to be a little more on the simple side of things. I wanted there to be more bubbles and swirls to it. However, with that form of painting it is very hard to control what goes where and I was still happy with how it turned out.
I love how you analyzed your use of color to symbolize specific aspects of your literacy collage. Overall it is a stunning piece! It looks so professional, like something I would hang up in my office. I am really glad you decided to do something truly unique for both of your extension projects.
Great work!