My name is Olivia White, I grew up in the suburbs of Seattle and spent all my life there, up until recently. I currently reside in Bellingham and am a student at Western Washington University. I enjoy many different topics so at the moment I am undeclared as I find what I’m truly passionate about. I think what makes me different than other writers is that I tend not to overthink my writing very much and speak my mind. This being said I mostly write stories whether that be in the form of journal or short story, it’s the style of writing that comes most easily to me. I can use descriptive words to paint a picture in people’s mind and get them to see what I want them to see pretty well. I am not the most enthusiastic writer but I do enjoy to put words on paper occasionally. Throughout my years in English classes I have developed more of in interest or respect for writing, although I don’t think I will pursue a life of writing, I am growing as a writer. Specifically this class introduced me to the idea that literacy is more than reading and writing and it is in fact a much broader term. This idea has made me more open to literacy in general and I can see how often I use it.
As for KJ and my’s webtext on social media’s effects, we had a great time conducting research on how people felt about social media as well as designing the webtext itself. To make our webtext we wanted it to be intriguing and informational, so we found a theme that presented our topic clearly but was easy to follow and fun to look at. When you first enter our site you are greeted by the introduction which has has a single sentence blurb about what is to come– this allows the reader to see if they are actually interested at looking into our research. Once they actually go into the pages we tried to continue this idea by separating the text into short paragraphs and accentuate the key words, making it easier to read. There are also fun graphics throughout each page to keep the reader excited about looking though each page. We didn’t use a lot of bright colors to keep the reader focused on the words instead. Our goal was to make our information accessible and easy to read.