Hello, my name is Sydney Moncrief, I attend Western Washington University and will be majoring in Chemistry. While my plan is to go into pharmacy after I major in Chemistry, I still am interested in how smart phones and technology effect people in their everyday life. I am only 18 years old, so my generation is using smartphones as their main way to communicate with others which is a potential problem. I do know that me personally am an old soul; I enjoy talking in person and on the phone with my friends more than I do texting. I think that has been a major change for me in the past few years. I know that I definitely fell into that category of people who just wanted to text and email, and while I do see how it is easier for others I also see personal connections being lost because it is over a screen rather than face to face communication. I think FaceTime and Skype has made the technology side of communication less screen-focused and more of a different way to see someone’s face that you are talking to. This study was important to me because I wanted to see if my grammar skills corresponded with my peers or if I was way behind when it came to grammar knowledge.
I am not a great writer myself which is why I was interested in looking at other people’s grammar abilities. I think the most writing I do is emails and texts like most people who are in a rush and cannot call or lists of things I need. I also really enjoy reading fiction texts that are made for middle school kids because they usually have fun plots to engage your imagination and are typically really easy to read fast which I enjoy. My talents as a writer is coming up with crazy stories that you wouldn’t normally think of. There are few topics that make me really excited and the criminal justice system as weird as it sounds makes me want to talk for hours. I watch Live PD, First 48, Judge Judy, and several other crime-related shows that are just so fascinating. While I typically do not get to write about it, I love to talk about it. Also, in addition to the criminal justice system I love to talk about animals and especially turtles, tortoises, and dogs. Those are my favorites and I know a lot of random facts that you wouldn’t need to know but I somehow know them.
Carly and I’s webtext is about how we processed everything and what we did along the way. It lays out our entire research project so that if someone else wanted to redo our study they could do so with ease. While we were making the webtext we wanted to make it colorful on the front page and fairly simple on the rest so that it wasn’t too flashy. We wanted it to be easy to follow along.