6 O’Clock time to read
Filled with joy, nothing could impede
It all begins, the story unfolds
All until it must be put on hold
A turn for the worst, what do I do?
I want to give up, I feel so blue
Mom doesn’t let me, we just switch the book
She says, “You have to practice, you’re not off the hook”
We read and read all day and night
Until I can see the hard book in my sights
I can do it now, thanks to my literacy sponsor
She is the reason my reading got stronger
I chose to write a poem because it’s a writing form I haven’t done in a very long time. We were exposed to so many different writings this quarter I thought it would be fun and challenging to try something we didn’t do in class. Poems are also something I use to love to read and write when I was younger. This medium allows a new form communication to a new group of people. It is much more concise but still portrays the same message. This allows for people who are aren’t interested in reading a whole story to still get the same message. It still communicates the same theme just in a different way. When writing my poem I wanted to keep my same story but generalize it so more people could connect. I pulled similar components from my original narrative like the time and reading with mom. I also really wanted to tie in the literacy sponsor because that what the original assignment was all about. I like that the poem is concise but still shows my same ideas and the main idea from the original prompt.
Nice post. Thank you to provide us this useful information.