Author statement

My name is Tor, I’m a freshman at WWU. I was born and grew up in Seattle and have found Bellingham to be quite enjoyable because of its scenery and close proximity to the north cascade mountain range. Having an easily accessible outlet to nature is something I value greatly and am very appreciative to … Continue reading Author statement

Art on a Whim

For this extension project I wanted to do something that other students wouldn’t do. With this in mind I created a collage. This was made on top of a painting to make it multi-media and use textures to make it more of a unique piece. I first had to make the painting that would have … Continue reading Art on a Whim

Literacy painting

I decided to make the painting out of flow acrylic paints. I chose this style because I thought it was a creative way to show how the narrative could be portrayed in the painting. Its unique because it doesn’t have a rhyme or reason to it. There is more of a messy aspect to this … Continue reading Literacy painting