Some interesting things showed up in our data. All but one of the people that took the survey were visual learners. But also people do not enjoy eBooks as much as I thought they would. 24/31 people rated the enjoyment of eBooks at 3 or lower which surprises me because eBooks are very popular now so I thought people would enjoy them more. 12/31 people rated physical books at 3 or lower which to me shows that physical books are still more popular than eBooks especially if you are reading for pleasure instead of for school work. What surprised me the most is that only 19/31 people rated audiobooks at a 3 or lower which surprises me because only one person surveyed was an auditory learner. So overall people seemed to like physical books the most then audiobooks and then eBooks. People also had a lot more to say about physical books compared to eBooks. People had much more descriptive opinions on what they liked or did not like compared to eBooks where people didn’t say much and most people actually said almost the same cons for eBooks. Our data collection has gone pretty smooth so far. The data we have collected ranges from fellow students at Western and other colleges to parents and even grandparents. We have 31 people that have completed an online survey for our project and I would say that we should get around another thirty this week. I think we are hoping to get some more physical surveys filled out to see if there is any difference between filling out a survey in person and filling out a survey online. We should have a majority of our data completed by the start of next week. We will also start summarizing the pros and cons for both eBooks and physical books so that way we can categorize them more effectively for putting on our poster.
Interesting how what Commercial America (aka Amazon ect.) wants you to believe (that eBooks are awesome and you should buy one because everyone else loves it too) compares to your data!