Here are some of the research studies I have participated in on campus and online.
One study I participated in (Measuring attitudes between professions) was for an upper level psych student.This was my favorite study. I went to the AIC buildings and he asked me to complete an online simulation. I was told after the study to not share the specifics of what the simulation contained. It just measured my attitudes and ideas toward psychologists and regular physicians. I was told my score showed I had no bias or preference toward either profession.
Another study I participated in was the Story ratings one. It was online and I had to read about 5 different stories. Each story was fairly sad talking about a devastating event that could happen in ones life. The study was to see how I would respond to the stories and how they made me feel. They asked multiple questions about each story and my reaction. The study also asked how often I had heard of these situations happening around me or to me directly. I’m guessing they wanted to test people’s sensitivity to certain subjects. Results for the study have not been posted but, for myself the stories definitely made me respond with sadness for those who were affected so overall, I think the researcher reached their goal.
Another study I participated in was perceptions of disability. Again, this study was online and had me read about people with disabilities and answer questions. The stories were mostly about hardships of the disabled. Similar to the story rating study, I was told to show through my answers how I felt toward the disabled. I was asked multiple questions about how the disabled are perceived as well. The results for this study have not been posted as well.
Thank you for participating in all these studies! Research is a two way street–we need researchers AND we need subjects!
Thank you for being both.