Extension Project A Reflection:
I love to draw, so deciding to make a drawing with markers and colored pencils was an easy decision. I decided to cut out some of the elements of my drawing in paper to give it a more collage feel and to add some dimension to the art piece.
I think it’s one thing to read about an experience someone else has had but it’s an entirely different thing to see it visualized. I think this medium allows people to see it in new viewpoint/more from my perspective.
I think this drawing adds to and expands on how I was feeling on the day of my bat mitzvah. Personally, I hate public speaking so this visualization of myself is silhouette, with only a focus on my brain. This is to show how in my head I was during my bat mitzvah. Despite the fact that the audience was filled with friends and family, I drew them as a faceless audience because even though I knew I was supported and had loved ones there for me, I was still so anxious about the entire experience that it didn’t matter. The hebrew that is written along the borders is actually from my Torah portion that I had read aloud on my bat mitzvah so it has its significance from the narrative.