Extension Project C

     When I began looking for visual rhetoric around campus, the most common trend I found was visual warnings of construction. Every corner I turned around near the Viking Union had some sort of construction site sign on the chain-linked fence or wall. Throughout all these signs, I found many trends. Each of them … Continue reading Extension Project C

Extension Project D

For one research project that I participated in, I sat down with my peer in an interview about social media and its effects on human communication and interaction. I was asked a total of three questions including what my preferred method of communication was, why that was my favorite form, and what form of communication … Continue reading Extension Project D

Field Notes

     It was the first time I was interviewing someone I did not know at all. My partner Ashley and I had posted our interview summary on the wix website in order to recruit people for our interview and within an hour a couple people, including this particular person, had emailed me, asking to … Continue reading Field Notes

Reflection of the Past

     For our project, we compiled a picture collage to represent our literary sponsors. After reading each others’ papers, we quickly realized that our experiences were in no way related, which was a problem. Sophie’s story was influenced by the moment she found her grandparents’ wedding book. The love her grandparents experienced was portrayed … Continue reading Reflection of the Past

It [history] enables an older generation to pass its literacy resources onto another

     After immigrating to the United States from Italy when she was just sixteen, my grandmother’s life has been nothing short of extraordinary. To me, the most beautiful story out of all that encompasses her journey is the love story between her and my grandfather, who was also Italian. On December 17th, 2016, I … Continue reading It [history] enables an older generation to pass its literacy resources onto another