Author statement

My name is Tor, I’m a freshman at WWU. I was born and grew up in Seattle and have found Bellingham to be quite enjoyable because of its scenery and close proximity to the north cascade mountain range. Having an easily accessible outlet to nature is something I value greatly and am very appreciative to … Continue reading Author statement

Extension project B

For my literary sponsorship interview I asked one of my friends at western to tell me about anything that influenced her literacy. After thinking about the question for a few minutes she told me that her biggest literary sponsor is also the most influential person in her life. Throughout most of her childhood her father … Continue reading Extension project B

Extension Project A

Something that made me want to work with this medium is that I think drawing is really relaxing, I don’t really consider myself an artist but when I have a good idea of what I want to do it usually turns out how I imagine it. Drawing takes a long time and in this case … Continue reading Extension Project A

Field Notes

At first this research project seemed very daunting, it seemed as it it would take a great deal of effort and persistence to complete. Once me and Elijah completed making the survey questions and formating the survey itself we began conducting it, which I thought would be a long and boring task involving a lot … Continue reading Field Notes