Extension Project

For my final extension project I decided to investigate the webtoons website and a few webtoons. To begin the webtoons website has a very anime sort of feel to it. There are many different mixed colors very close together with a clustered but striking feeling to it. There is a real emphasize on the cartoons … Continue reading Extension Project

Cat Scratch Fever: My Participatory Experience in Ava and Emma’s Research Project.

During my participation of Ava and Emma’s research project, not a lot changed for me in how I view different forms of writing, my general knowledge of these different forms’ existence, or the pleasure which I derive in reading them. As a person who had already read for leisure rather frequently in my opinion, I … Continue reading Cat Scratch Fever: My Participatory Experience in Ava and Emma’s Research Project.

Extension Project C

     When I began looking for visual rhetoric around campus, the most common trend I found was visual warnings of construction. Every corner I turned around near the Viking Union had some sort of construction site sign on the chain-linked fence or wall. Throughout all these signs, I found many trends. Each of them … Continue reading Extension Project C

Art on a Whim

For this extension project I wanted to do something that other students wouldn’t do. With this in mind I created a collage. This was made on top of a painting to make it multi-media and use textures to make it more of a unique piece. I first had to make the painting that would have … Continue reading Art on a Whim

Literacy painting

I decided to make the painting out of flow acrylic paints. I chose this style because I thought it was a creative way to show how the narrative could be portrayed in the painting. Its unique because it doesn’t have a rhyme or reason to it. There is more of a messy aspect to this … Continue reading Literacy painting