Extension Project A

My sponsor of literacy was my sophomore English teacher Mr. Benedict who vastly improved my righting in one brief conversation. I decided to re-make the story about this conversation into a music playlist. I chose a music playlist because I love music and thought it would be cool to try and recreate my story with … Continue reading Extension Project A

Project 5 Field Notes

In our research so far, I haven’t had many surprising or challenging moments. The only time I was a little confused was when I was testing my first person. I asked them to put headphones in and listen to music, and they asked me if there was a specific type of music they should listen … Continue reading Project 5 Field Notes

Field Notes

     It was the first time I was interviewing someone I did not know at all. My partner Ashley and I had posted our interview summary on the wix website in order to recruit people for our interview and within an hour a couple people, including this particular person, had emailed me, asking to … Continue reading Field Notes

Field Notes

Overall, I would say our research is going as I expected it to go so far. Our goal was to get at least thirty people to take the test and I would say we are probably a little less than half of the way there, which is right on track with where we wanted to … Continue reading Field Notes

“…sponsors deliver the ideological freight that must be borne for access to what they have.”

As a group of 30 sixth graders walk timidly through the long hallways of the elementary school, heading towards the band room, I stand somewhere near the back, as per usual when lined up by alphabetical order. We arrive indoors after a brisk moment of standing in the rain, the sudden warmth touching our eager, … Continue reading “…sponsors deliver the ideological freight that must be borne for access to what they have.”