Artist’s Statement:
The results of the research I conducted for this piece was far more shocking than I ever expected when I sat down to write it. Before looking into the organization Autism Speaks’ rhetoric and representation of autistic people on their website, I knew there would be issues. Autistic communities everywhere denounce this organization as a hate group but I did not realize how sinister their practices really were until I began to analyze their positions through a disability studies lens. As an autistic individual myself, I have a tendency to miss subtext and take the words of people and organizations at face value. What I found is that Autism Speaks wants people to take their word at face value and assign them authority over how autistic people need to be treated. However, because much of my piece is snapshots of tweets from autistic individuals around the country who have been hurt by their practices, my hope is that those who interact with Autism Speaks will begin to see through their façade of supposedly compassionate practices which hide their radical commitment to eugenicist ideology. One of the issues I’ve found with academic research is the lack of colloquial jargon that would allow everyday people to access the information presented. This is why my inclusion of these tweets from autistic people are so central to this piece, because when disability studies can be learned about and understood in familiar terms, it can then also reach far more people than it would have otherwise.
A Disability Studies Analysis of Autism Speaks
by Rachael Howson
The organization Autism Speaks was “founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright after their grandson was diagnosed with autism” (Henkel). When considering these details about the origins of this institution, it makes sense that today none of the board of directors of this advocacy group are autistic, with nearly all of them either having family members who are autistic, or have no publicly recognized association with individual autistic people outside of those they market treatments and services to. This distinction is important because through the creation of their advocacy group, they centered the perspectives of neurotypical people, or non-autistic people in their advocacy instead of centering it around the voiced needs of autistic people themselves. Naturally, because the board of directors have no personal experience with autism, the aspect of their mission that states that they want to “increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism” in the world is unqualified because they themselves do not understand and accept autism in the way advocacy groups formed by autistic individuals do (Our).
This aspect of the organization’s leadership is no coincidence nor simply a byproduct of its origins. In fact, the career section of the Autism Speaks website clearly defines the organizations workplace culture and a specific list of “five core competencies” expected of employees if they are to contribute to the organization. These competencies include, building collaborative relationships, professional behavior, results driven, customer orientation, and flexibility. While characteristics might seem like easy to embody characteristics to non-autistic people, the organization is pointedly excluding autistic people who among other criteria are usually characterized as having social deficits including communication, lack of eye contact, “difficulty reading facial expressions and body language, difficulty understanding the rules of conversation” and group dynamics among others (Common). Likewise, autistic people are known for cognitive rigidity which presents as literal and absolute thinking, black and white expectations, “rules with little interpretive room, and a preference for predictability” and strict routine (Cognitive). As an organization that claims to strive to help autistic people, they should be one of the most autistic-friendly environments for autistics to work in. However these requirements are blatantly anti-autistic and exhibit the same ableist practices that these autistic twitter users describe as inaccessible work environments in a thread about having to choose to leave or losing a job due to a workplace that was not autistic-friendly:

ALT: Tweet from @17shadesofpurple “I lost two jobs that I was fantastic at. I was told flat out that I wasn’t a good fit “socially” and they had to weigh that against my top performance. Guess what won. Both times.”

ALT: Tweet from @Beczabu “Can’t handle the constant noise and rowdiness of co-workers. Makes me want to run and hide. And they seem to love making me feel bad about myself.”

ALT: Tweet from @pippa_louise “Yep. More than 18 jobs in 11 years and it’s impossible for me to work as I never last more than 3 months. For me it’s a lot of things that overload me but mainly social relationships I struggle massively with x.”
Along with their workplace intolerance for autistic people, another key facet that sets Autism Speaks apart from effective autistic led organizations is that they adhere strictly to the medical model of disability. The medical model sees disabilities as a defect within an individual’s body or mind that can be diminished or corrected through medical intervention, and emphasizes the importance of treatments and intervention for autistic people so as to address the “specific needs of each individual.” This is shown from their use of the smallest objectionable choices like the organization’s use of the phrase “people with autism,” to their larger offenses such as their unrelenting support of ABA therapy, which has been proven to cause PTSD in autistic people. The non-profit organization and publication “NeuroClastic,” which supports autistic people and their families through cataloguing “the experiences, insights, knowledge, talents and creative pursuits of autistics,” has stated publicly that Autism Speaks is a hate group (Bettin):

ALT: Tweet from NeuroClastic “Autism Speaks is a hate group. They have done and continue to do irreplaceable harm. They know the statistics about autistic suicide rates. They don’t care. They’re still pushing autistic conversion therapy which contributes to devastatingly high autistic suicide rates.”
When considering Autism Speaks’ use of the phrase “people with autism,” understanding that person-first language is a “linguistic prescription which puts a person before a diagnosis” and is “intended to avoid marginalization or dehumanization when discussing people with a chronic illness or disability” is essential (Person). In many situations when referring to people with disabilities, person-first language is seen as the preferred etiquette in order to show respect to the humanity of those being referred to. Therefore, many would believe that this convention should also apply to autistic individuals. However, disability first language, which is in direct opposition to person-first language, is widely seen in the autistic community to be preferable. This is despite person-first proponents’ claims that ingrained ableism often leads to people seeing a person’s disability before their humanness, which is why person-first language is necessary. Autism Speaks abides by the person-first perspective despite the widespread agreement from the autistic community that “Autism is not an appendage…. autism is a way of being,” which Jim Sinclair states in his piece, Don’t Mourn for Us. Therefore the idea that autism is “an alternative neurology which reflects humanity’s natural neurological diversity, not as a mental disorder” leads to the conclusion that autism shouldn’t be described as something that a person has (Howard). Autism Speaks’ language implies that autism can be separated from the individual despite public backlash, which directly aligns with their ultimate goal of teaching autistic people how to be neurotypical in order to find “solutions” for their autism, under the guise of helping them “reach their full potential” (About). It should also be noted that their use of the term “solutions” only appeared in their mission statement in 2016, after public pressure to remove the word “cure” from their vocabulary regarding autism.
Expanding upon Autism Speaks’ perspective on “solutions” for autism, their statement that “Autism Speaks’…. public service advertising campaign stresses the importance of recognizing the early signs of autism and seeking early intervention services” and “Appropriate screening can determine whether a child is at risk for autism as young as one year” is particularly revealing of their commitment to the medical model of disability (Learn). This framing of autism as something that must be stopped in its tracks lest it overcome the “normal child hidden behind” their disorder shows the organization’s lack of awareness of how the autistic community advocates for the wider culture to understand and treat them (Sinclair). Under the organization’s section labeled “Learn the Signs of Autism,” they has a list of qualities that indicate autism in children of all ages including but not limited to “loss of previously acquired speech, babbling, or social skills,” “unusual and intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, lights, and/or colors,” “restricted interests,” “avoidance of eye contact,” and “resistance to minor changes in routine or surrounding” (Learn). When describing autism through the medical model of disability, these kinds of negative traits come to the forefront as necessary for making a diagnosis because the medical model requires “deviation from the norm” as qualification for disability. However, if organizations like Autism Speaks wanted to actually improve the lives of autistic people, they would take inspiration from groups like “NeuroClassic” which work to adapt the social model of disability to neurodivergent labels instead of researching how best to mold them into caricatures of “normal people.” The social model functions on the idea that “the problem is not in the child and their impairment, but in the social and attitudinal barriers” produced and enforced by the society in which they live (Social). As explained by “Brooke Winters” on twitter, disability does not lie within the individual, but within the environment.

ALT: Tweet from @brookewinters23 “The social model of disability defines being disabled as something that happens when accommodations aren’t made and environments aren’t accessible. Autistic people are not disabled by autism. We are disabled by an inaccessible world. Autism is not a disorder.”
As an example of their adherence to the medical model is the organization’s research goals. Under their Research Programs section of the website, Autism Speaks lists these goals, the top one being “seek the causes and types of autism.” Underneath this, they highlight the database called MSSNG (pronounced as “missing”) that was created as a collaboration between Autism Speaks, Google, and the research community “to create the world’s largest genomic database on autism” (MSSNG). This database holds the genetic information donated by over ten thousand people and families “affected by autism.” Autism Speaks’ reasoning for creating this collaborative project is “to speed the development of more effective and personalized interventions for autism and its associated health conditions” (Hand). This approach of Autism researching how genetic intervention could be utilized in the future once research by MSSNG has enough evidence of specific autistic genes is highly reminiscent of the United States’ history of involuntary sterilization of disabled people pushed by the eugenics movement which acquired considerable momentum in the early 1900’s. While Autism Speaks has stated that they do not support eugenics, with no further elaboration, it should be noted that eugenics is defined as “a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population” (Eugenics). Instead of sterilizing autistic people, they are using the donated genetic information to uncover the genetic causes of autism so that they may be edited or eliminated as a form of “intervention.” This goal of identifying autistic genes would also be used by parents to select embryos without the genes as put forward by Doctor Diana S. Fleischman, a psychologist and professor at the University of New Mexico whose field of study include the study of disgust, human sexuality, and hormones and behavior. It is the view of Doctor Fleishchman and many of the other researchers that fighting neurodivergence at its root rather than having to treat autistic people after they are born is a more effective solution, by removing neurodivergence from the gene pool as described by “myk says ho ho ho” on twitter.

ALT: Tweet from @mykola “Apparently people are down with removing adhd from the gene pool. You can bet how this person and her followers might feel about autism. This is why google’s MSSNG project is so awful, because these fuckers would really do it.”
In response to tweet from @sentientist “Say, for the sake of argument, that Lisa has a form of attention deficit that has a specific genetic basis. She struggles to focus for long periods. Lisa does IVF and chooses and embryo that doesn’t have this genetic deficit to implant. What do you think of what Lisa did?”
However, the autistic community widely recognizes this as a form of genocide particularly because autism is becoming more commonly understood to be a “‘neurological culture group’ than a social disorder or a disability” as stated by “Autvntg” on twitter:

ALT: Tweet from @autvntg “I am of the opinion that…. it is more useful to view autism as a sort of neurological cultural group than as a social disorder or a disability. Autism, cures, genocide.”
The term “genocide” usually refers to the destruction of an ethnic, national, religious, or racial group. However, the destruction of disabled people have always been a key feature of genocides targeted towards these listed types of group. For example, during the Third Reich, Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who studied autism and eventually had “Asperger’s Syndrome” named after him was crucial part in the genocide of autistic individuals during the Nazi Regime. His job was essentially to sort the autistics into two groups, the intelligent and useful one who would be later classified as having Asperger’s Syndrome, and the others autistics who were considered genetically inferior because they were unable to perform labor or were seen as incapable of social conformity, and so were referred by the doctor to Vienna’s Am Spiegelgrund clinic which was a center for child euthanasia. “Asperger supported the Nazi goal of eliminating children who could not fit in with the Volk: The facist ideal of a homogeneous Aryan people” (Baron-Cohen). Partially because of his Nazi affiliations and recent studies that reject the differentiation between Asperger and Autism, members of the autistic community on twitter such as “Ghost of Bumplings Past” beg that the wider community stops using the term Aspergers. While Autism Speaks’ no longer uses this term to describe any of the individuals they treat because of public pushback, it should also be remarked that the differentiation is no longer useful to the organization. Now that they have the ability to receive genetic information from donors, they no longer need to rely solely on research recorded during in person medical evaluation post-birth, to decide whether the autistic individuals’ families would be better off without them as Hans Asperger did.

ALT: Tweet from @Not_CharLatte “reminder that the Autistic community is begging you to stop using the term Aspergers. Hans Asperger was a Nazi who experimented on Autistic children. Aspergers because the term for folks on the spectrum who were able to work and therefore “didn’t deserve to immediately die.”
In regards to an ever growing autistic community whose collective neurotype is considered worthy of destruction by this more potent form of eugenics, an understanding that a culture is defined by “the behaviors and beliefs, characteristics of a particular group of people” becomes especially important as Autism Speaks continues to push their belief that environments do not need to be changed to increase accessibility, but instead that autistic people need to change in order to fit their environment more effectively. Their primary tactic for spreading this belief is through their preferred treatment called Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA therapy, which is on the top of Autism Speaks’ list in their treatments and interventions section of the website.
Therapy can be defined as either “the treatment of a disease or disorders, as by some remedial, rehabilitative, or curative process” or as “any act, hobby, task, program, etc. that relieves tension.” These two definitions are important because what the autistic community refers to as “stimming” refers to “self-stimulating behaviors, usually involving repetitive movements or sounds” is widely proven to be a “protective response to overstimulation, in which people calm themselves to block less predictable environmental stimuli” (Stimming). Stimming therefore, is a form of therapy, and yet Autism Speaks’ promotes a type of therapy more akin to conversion therapy to correct this naturally therapeutic behavior exhibited by autistic people because it is seen as abnormal behavior. When autistic people are not allowed to stim, which is an essential emotional regulatory tool for many autistic, oftentimes internal tension builds until the individuals are forced to relieve said tension through other less healthy means such as self-harming or depersonalization as described by twitter user “Alice (ae/aem)” in response to their experience with ABA abuse where their adopter refused to allow them to engage with any stimuli that lead to the performance of autistic traits:

ALT: Tweet from @TheHorrorOf97 “My adopter was a psychologist. He took my most compelling things away. Music. Toys. All to try and force behavioral changes. What happened? I started to develop sever depersonalization and started self harming cuz I was using toys and music to stim, and they were seen as fun.”
ABA Therapy has been widely documented as harmful to autistic people because it teaches them to “hide sensory pain, and increases the likelihood of PTSD and suicidality in autistic people.” The goal of ABA therapy is to decrease problem behaviors, and increase desired behaviors through positive reinforcement whereby approved behaviors are encouraged by offering a reward as a stimulus. As stated by “art twink” on twitter, this form of therapy leads to immense guilt in individuals when they care for their needs without first doing something deserving of a reward:

ALT: Tweet from @art_twink “You know what ABA gave me? Immense guilt every time I give myself a “reward” without completing a task first. And by rewards I mean things like going to the bathroom, eating, doing anything other than keeping my body Very Still.”
When compared to effective dog training tactics, it is clear that they “largely stem from the same principles- teaching children or dogs to behave in a desired manner” such as in the case of giving a dog a treat for sitting down or rolling over (Natasha). The only difference is that most dog training tactics recommend a person first remove the pet from the environment that is causing them stress, whereas ABA therapy forces autistic people to endure those environments and ignore the stress signals they produce, which often leads to autistic masking. This goal of teaching autistic people how to pretending to be neurotypical, or from the perspective of the therapist- having the autistic child understand how and why they must not act on their autistic traits- stems from the assumption that the “children simply won’t do things and need to be incentivized” rather than assume that “autistic kids can’t do what they’re asking them to do” or understand that “what they’re asking them to do is painful” (Why). As explained by twitter user “E”, this type of therapy is nothing more than a legal form of human obedience training.

ALT: Tweet from @QueerDeaf “#SayNoToABA because I was a DEAF child who had my HANDS taped together for stimming. You cannot convince me it isn’t abuse/all about controlling another human being to the fullest extent without consequences. #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPrideMonth”
Part of the reason why ABA therapy is so widely used is because autistic traits are seen as unexplainable to neurotypicals, and therefore meaningless, though autistic people have written at length about the meanings and reasons for different autistic behaviors. This narrative that autism is an inherently mysterious, puzzling, and complex disorder is why the blue puzzle piece logo created by the Autism Society of America has lasted so long as a symbol for autism, which Autism Speaks continues to utilize. The puzzle piece is also representative of Autism Speaks’ commitment to searching for answers, or to find the key piece of the puzzle that will make autism make sense to non-autistics. Likewise, the color of the puzzle piece is indicative of the higher rates of diagnoses of male autistics than female autistics because the criteria for the diagnosis was based on how it appeared in males rather than how it presented in everyone on the gender spectrum which led to a gender bias which also led to the assumption that autistic males are considered “more autistic” than autistic females (Crosman). As explained by twitter user “Shelby James Champion,” even if the puzzle piece logo began as a albeit misguided way for neurotypical people to respect the complexity of autism and was used as a symbol for positive research, now that it is close to solely associated with Autism Speaks, the symbol is widely regarded as having no use to the autistic community because of its tainted history.

ALT: Tweet from @shelbyjchampion “The reason I passionately dislike the puzzle piece symbol is because it categorizes us as “mysterious” or “puzzling”. It is largely associated with the infamous organization Autism Speaks. I had a very bad experience growing up with that organization.”
With the immense levels of misrepresentation and ableist rhetoric about autism that Autism Speaks puts into the world, it becomes necessary to recognize who their intended audience is and why this audience has allowed the organization to receive millions of dollars in donation every year. This specific audience which is widely discussed in autistic circles are the so-called “Autism Martyr Mommies” who present themselves as victims or celebrate themselves for being able to raise an autistic child who are regularly described as far much more difficult to raise than non-autistic children. While Autism Speaks also advertises to other groups of people for financial support, the community support created by mothers of children with autism through message boards, clubs, and social media groups is unparalleled. This demographic is useful to cater to because mothers traditionally expected to be the parent who deals with the medical matters of their children and has the most concern for their health, safety, and wellbeing. Therefore when an organization like Autism Speaks recommends that parents scrutinize their children for seemingly concerning signs of autism such as “little to no warm, joyful, engaging expressions, little or no babbling, and little or no response to name,” which could present themselves as early as a few months old, these caring mothers react to the organizations’ fear-mongering just as the organization intends, by viewing Autism Speaks as the authority on how to best care for their disabled child.
Likewise, this choice of audience leads to an overemphasis on the voices of caregivers in regards to the wellbeing and needs of disabled individuals as a whole which in turn gives the organization more authority as one of the the leading researchers into Autism Spectrum Disorder despite none of the organization’s board member’s being autistic, as mentioned earlier. Disability rhetoric is centered around who has power in conversations about disability, and just like with issues about race, class, gender, and other societal power dynamics, those who are in control of the narratives surrounding these issues are the ones who will be most able to exploit them and the marginalized groups whose voices are left behind. As twitter users “Liz Both Dinosaurs Bernstein” and “Ultra Violet Rae” explain, organizations who care more able the parents of autistic individuals than the autistic people themselves continually silence them despite their supposed goal of advocacy, which is more often than not a front for money-grabbing and eugenics propaganda.

ALT: Tweet from @yeralizard “Sooo many organizations and individuals that purport to advocate for autistic people yet continually silence us when we criticize them just prove more & more that they care more about autism martyr mommies than they do about us.”

ALT: Tweet from @UltVioletRae “Glob give me the patience to survive the autism mommies during the rest of autism month. The audacity. The victimhood. The eugenics. The torture as treatment. This month is supposed to be for us, yet they make $ for eugenics off our struggles, and silence us. Nauseating.”
In the faceoff against organizations like Autism Speaks, the question boils down to, how can communities center autistic voices in order to create accessibility within schools, workplaces as well as remove the veil of inaccurate, ableist rhetoric that surrounds conversations about autism. How can our world be changed so that autistic individuals are not harassed, abused, manipulated, and controlled by others on the basis of the way they function as a representative of their neurotype? How can the rhetoric that infantilizes autistic adults, assumes certain capabilities and a lack of other capabilities be changed so that neurotypical people respect autistics as much as they would other non-autistics?
“Corvid Working on comms” says to stop lighting it up blue for Autism Acceptance month, and supporting organizations like Autism Speaks.

ALT: Tweet from @corvidcactus “small doodle because today is #WorldAutismDay and #AutismAcceptanceMonth. I’m autistic. please do not “light it up blue” or support orgs like autism speaks. listen to and uplift autistic voices. acceptance is more important than awareness. #ActuallyAutistic”.
“Punny and Pup” says to stop supporting films and media that advertise unsafe methods of helping autistic people regulate themselves and do not try to educate yourself about autism through popular media.

ALT: Tweet from @pupkittyfan1: Sia’s film about autism is very dangerous, in the movie the autistic character is restrained and held down, this method is very dangerous and can harm Autistic ppl when they’re having a meltdown. Many Autistic ppl have spoken against this movie so please listen to our voices.”
As “Sarah Boon #StopTheShock” says, believe those around you who confide in you the possibility that they are autistic regardless of your level of understanding or awareness of the neurotype and their behavior.

ALT: Tweet from @Saraheboon “Hi, I am an autistic woman (yes we exist). Autism is often misrepresented in the media dramatically, which was one of many reasons why I didn’t get diagnosed until 24. Please listen/empower autistic voices when it comes to representation.”
Lastly, as “Kyle” says, listen to the autistic individuals in your life and at all costs, do not speak over them.

ALT: Tweet from @TigerDropped “Good morning and happy #AutismAwarenessMonth. As someone on the autism spectrum who was diagnosed when I was 14, I send nothing but love & support to my fellow autistic people. Remember to listen to our voices & don’t speak over us. And daily reminder: fuck Autism Speaks.”
Works Cited
“About Us.” Autism Speaks,
Alice (TheHorrorOf97). “My adopter was a psychologist. He took my most compelling things away. Music. Toys. All to try and force behavioral changes. What happened? I started to develop severe depersonalization and started self harming cuz I was using toys and music to stim, and they were seen as “fun”. 1 May 2021, 23:44 UTC. Tweet
art twink (art_twink). “You know what ABA gave me? Immense guilt every time I give myself a “reward” without completing a task first. And by rewards I mean things like going to the bathroom, eating, doing anything other than keeping my body Very Still”. 4 Apr 2021, 14:03 UTC. Tweet
Autvntg (autvntg). “I am of the opinion that … it is more useful to view autism as a sort of neurological culture group than as a social disorder or a disability.” Autism, cures, genocide”. Oct 9, 2018, 4:51 UTC. Tweet
Baron-Cohen, Simon. “The Truth about Hans Asperger’s Nazi Collusion.” Scientific American, Scientific American, 17 May 2018,
Bec J (Beczabu) “Can’t handle the constant noise and rowdiness of co-workers. Makes me want to run and hide. And they seem to love making me feel bad about myself”. Feb 18, 2018. 22:06 UTC. Tweet.
Bettin, Jorn, et al. “Neuroclastic.” NeuroClastic, 6 Dec. 2021,
Brooke Winters (brookwinters33). “The social model of disability defines being disabled as something that happens when accommodations aren’t made and environments aren’t accessible. Autistic people are not disabled by autism. We are disabled by an inaccessible world. Autism is not a disorder”. Nov 16, 2017, 2:16 UTC. Tweet
“Cognitive Rigidity in Autism – Nurture Pods.” Nurture Pods Pte Ltd, 31 May 2019,,is%20welcome%20to%20the%20autistic%20child%2C%20even%20comforting.
“Common Traits.” Autism Citizen, 9 May 2018,
Corvid Working on comms (corvidcactus) “small doodle because today is #WorldAutismDay and #AutismAcceptanceMonth. I’m autistic. Please do not “light it up blue” or support orgs like autism speaks. Listen to and uplift autistic voices. Acceptance is more important than awareness. #ActuallyAutistic” Apr 2, 2021, 6:47 UTC. Tweet.
Crosman, Cassandra. “The ABLEIST History of the Puzzle Piece Symbol for Autism.” In the Loop About Neurodiversity, 1 Dec. 2019,
E (QueerDeaf). “#SayNoToABA because I was a DEAF child who had my HANDS taped together for stimming. You cannot convince me it isn’t abuse/all about controlling another human being to the fullest extent without consequences. #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPrideMonth”. 5 Apr 2021, 5:53 UTC. Tweet
“Eugenics.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Dec. 2021,,or%20forced%20pregnancies%2C%20ultimately%20culminating%20in%20genocide.%20.
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Howard, Brian. “’Autistic Person’ and ‘Person with Autism’ Are Not One and the Same.” TheHill, 9 Nov. 2021,
Kyle (TigerDropped) “Good morning & happy #AutismAcceptanceMonth. As someone on the autism spectrum who was diagnosed when I was 14, I send nothing but love & support to my fellow autistic people. Remember to listen to our voices & don’t speak over us. And daily reminder: Fuck Autism Speaks”. Apr 1, 2021, 2:19 UTC. Tweet.
“Learn the Signs of Autism.” Autism Speaks,
Liz Both Dinosaurs Bernstein (yeralizard) “Sooo many organizations and individuals that purport to advocate for autistic people yet continually silence us when we criticize them just prove more & more that they care more about autism martyr mommies than they do about us”. Feb 10, 2021, 7:50 UTC. Tweet.
Myk says ho ho ho (mykola). “Apparently people are down with removing adhd from the gene pool. You can bet how this person and her followers might feel about autism. This is why google’s MSSNG project is so awful, because these fuckers would really do it”. Apr 8, 2021, 19:28 UTC. Tweet
Natasha, et al. “7-Step Formula to Easily Change Unwanted Dog Behavior.” The Online Dog Trainer, 30 Nov. 2021,
NeuroClastic (NeuroClastic) “Autism Speaks is a hate group. They have done and continue to do irreplaceable harm. They know the statistics about autistic suicide rates. They don’t care. They’re still pushing autistic conversion therapy which contributes to devastatingly high autistic suicide rates”. 22 Nov 2021, 8:31 UTC. Tweet
“Our Mission.” Autism Speaks,
“People-First Language.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Nov. 2021,
Pippa Louise Berry (pippa_louise) “Yep. More than 18 jobs in 11 years and it’s impossible for me to work as I never last more than 3 months. For me it’s a lot of things that overload me but mainly social relationships I struggle massively with x”. Feb 18, 2018, 9:03 UTC. Tweet.
Punny and Pup (pupkittyfan1) “Sia’s film about autism is very dangerous, in the movie the autistic character is restrained and held down, this method is very dangerous and can harm Autistic ppl when they’re having a meltdown. Many Autistic ppl have spoken against this move so please listen to our voices”. Jan 23, 2021, 10:02 UTC. Tweet.
Sarah Boon #StopTheShock (Saraheboon) “As #ActuallyAutistic is trending…. Hi, I am an autistic woman (yes we exist). Autism is often misrepresented in the media dramatically, which was one of many reasons why I didn’t get diagnosed until 24. Please listen/empower autistic voices when it comes to representation”. Nov 20, 2020, 7:10 UTC. Tweet.
Siebers, Tobin. Disability Aesthetics. The University of Michigan Press, 2010.
Sinclair, Jim. “Don’t Mourn for Us.” Don’t Mourn For Us,
Shelby James Champion (shelbyjchampion) “The reason I passionately dislike the puzzle piece symbol is because it categorizes us as “mysterious” or “puzzling”. It is largely associated with the infamous organization Autism Speaks. I had a very bad experience growing up with that organization”. 7 Apr 2021, 14:10 UTC. Tweet
“Social Model of Disability.” Social Model of Disability – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics,
Ultra Violet Rae (UltVioletRae) “Glob give me the patience to survive the autism mommies during the rest of autism month. The audacity. The victimhood. The eugenics. The torture as treatmetn. This month is supposed to be for us, yet they make $ for eugenics off our struggles, and silence us. Nauseating”. Apr 19, 2021, 7:54 UTC. Tweet.
“Why ABA Therapy Is Harmful to Autistic People.” Autistic Science Person, 4 Nov. 2021,,to%20poor%20mental%20health%20and%20even%20increased%20suicidality.
17 shadesofpurple (17shadesofpurple). “I lost two jobs that I was fantastic at. I was told flat out that I wasn’t a good fit “socially” and they had to weigh that against my top performance. Guess what won. Both times”. Feb 18, 2018, 18:27 UTC. Tweet.