- Title
Arntzen in Action: Producing and Produced by Ableism
- Central question
How is Arntzen Hall produced by and producing ableism and disability itself?
- Product design
I plan on designing a zine/comic book personifying Arntzen Hall and illustrating a learning experience regarding ableist spaces. I believe visual representation of concepts as heady as “rhetoric of space” are helpful for comprehension.
Lay out a possible structure. If you’re making a zine, what might go in it? Where will you go for your images? How might it be broken up?
As attached below, I have drawn up a rough draft of the zine, breaking it up into 8 pages. Each page will include an illustration or design of sort, educational information that I pull from class/readings, and a bit of a storyline (the building learning more about ableism of space).

Page 1: Title Page – Image of Arntzen Hall
Page 2: Intro to Arntzen, rhetorical space, and disability studies
Page 3: Outline of what will be included
Page 4: Physical space
Page 5: Intellectual space
Page 6: Some other space (still working on it, hopefully will come from the reading
Page 7: Further outlining of what Arntzen learned
Page 8: Sources
If you have more than one idea, fully invest in at least one here, rather than only saying a few things about each of them.
Essentially I have one key idea, but I am breaking it up into 3 sub-ideas that provide further detail.
- Production plan
How will you go about creating this product? What are the steps you have in mind? The big dates to keep in mind:
I will sketch and doodle ideas in my free time (as far as the design aspect goes).
Week Nov. 1: Complete project proposal
Sign up for meeting with Andrew
Week Nov. 8: Read through chosen readings (listed below) and pull out information
Compile notes/readings from class that pertain
Complete data collection before meeting with Andrew on Nov. 11
Nov. 11: I will meet with you with the information I have found and maybe we can go over how I can best summarize/find what’s most important to include.
Week Nov. 15: Visit Arntzen Hall and do some (first hand) research on the space
Summarize findings and prepare written responses
Write-up of my research (what I found in short essay format)
Week Nov. 22: My work-in-progress will include a full rough draft of the zine and a short essay write-up of my findings. All design aspects will be present, but not refined.
Week Nov. 29 – Dec. 6: Finishing touches on zine and final edits on paper and bibliography
Dec. 8: Due date
- Consultation
You already helped me find readings. In our meeting (early on), I would like to discuss what information should be included in the zine (based on what I have found) and how the storyline should be set up (so that I can include as much information as possible without overdoing the pages). I’m hoping you will guide me to include any forgotten details and fill in the missing parts of the zine.
Ask me specific questions of things you want to know about the assignment or information you want me to fill in about particular topics. I might be able to answer them or not, depending on how specialist your topic is
I hope to talk with you about the rhetoric of space and how I can tell it like a story. I have a few questions on atmospheric space and the structures of education specifically in the social sciences at Western.
- Citations
Give three possible readings you might reference in your project in some way. No need to say anything about them now.
The Question of Access: Disability, Space, Meaning
Keywords of Disability Studies // Chapter Space, Access, Communication, Design, Education, Institutions
What is Metis // Jay Dolmage