Author statement:
I would like to begin with a small statement about my background and how that not only influenced this whole project but my approach to it as well. I’m currently a psychology major with an interest in pursuing a career in mental health like a therapist. With that, viewers are going to notice vocabulary and emphases that will be obviously geared towards psychology or inspired by it. The reasoning behind this, besides my own bias here, is I truly do believe that people can learn a lot about others if they have the psycho-social skills to do so and that begins with simply having empathy as well as an open mind. I titled it in the project itself, but education really can be empathy. I humbly admit and recognize that even the field of psychology falls short when it comes to disability in many ways. One of the ways I noticed quickly can be language used. I am guilty in taking part in the ignorance at times, so this project was not only a way to educate myself better along the way but hold myself accountable in order to reject ableism instead of continuously upholding it.
Why I chose this focus comes down to a few reasons. I enjoy making connections with people so relationships in general are important to me so naturally I like learning about them, mainly how to strengthen them. Throughout my time taking a course on Disability Studies, one of the things that caught my attention the most would have to be the idea that rhetoric is made up of relationship and therefor relies on them. I believe we create rhetoric and work with it in unique ways. I learned many different forms of communication during this class and project that helped people grow in relationships. People can be very flexible and always open. If anyone is to take anything away from my piece, I hope that it is to embrace your own humility and care for others around you not just physically but emotionally (yes, even if you happen to not have a direct relationship with them). The cliche is true, you do not know someone’s story or what they can do and to limit someone off of brash societal expectations upholds the very systems that destroys their social mobility by restricting access.
With kindness and gratitude, please enjoy this explorative piece.