Artist statements:
In this major project, the stories of two female disabled chemists are analyzed to discern what are the major barriers for disabled Chemists in the laboratory. The info obtained through these narratives are then used to analyze one of the chemistry labs in the Chemistry building at Western Washington University, (this is not representative of all labs on WWU campuses. It is merely a look into one lab.). There are two main ways Western can improve accessibility in the lab. 1) Create a more accessible environment, with broad clean halls, wheelchair accessible work environments, and more comfortable instruments. 2) Encourage disabled scientists to develop a support network in the scientific community.
The paper was originally designed to be a multi-disciplinary look into the narratives in the scientific community, but due to time restraints, the focus was narrowed down to accessibility in the Chemistry lab, and how these principles can be applied to Western’s labs. You will find the completed project attached to this post in a pdf.