Linton and Terminology

  • “Reassigning Meaning” By Simi Linton
  • In this excerpt, Linton lists the different terminology to refer to or speak of people with disabilities. She goes through all the terms and their different categories, explaining exactly why they are problematic, frowned upon, and used, “The present examination of disability has no need for the medical language of symptoms and diagnostic categories.”(2). They argue that almost all words and phrases can be oppressive or offensive. First, she opens up with the claim that disability and the medical significance is unnecessary. From there, Simi points out all the problems with different words such as ‘ableism’ or ‘overcoming a disability’ and why these need to be addressed, “To say that I am physically challenged is to state that the obstacles to my participation are physical, not social, and that the barrier is my own disability”(14). Finally, she concludes that with the spreading of knowledge and awareness there will be better and more accurate terminology for disabled people as well as the power abled people have over this, “Similarly, it is important to examine the non disabled position and its privilege and power” (32). Overall, this was a very informative and interesting excerpt.
  • I think what stuck with me the most was the fact that almost every phrase or term that I use is offensive in some way. I had not thought deeply about these terms, I just accepted them as they were and maybe that was due to the exposure I grew up with and what I learned from parents, family, and just people in my community. It made me mad realizing that not only have we put these people in a group but we have created terms that are inappropriate and no one seems to care to understand that. It makes me upset that this is not something that is taught in schools or studied closely. We learn about racism, sexism, yet this does not qualify for some reason? In a way, I feel as if the education system has failed me in this way. My lack of knowledge and the fact that I had not realize that my lack of knowledge was present on this topic, makes me upset. I make it a goal to be as informed and respectful about topics like these and I feel like I have failed here.
  • Language and labels are so important. In my personal opinion, words are the most powerful thing in the world. They cannot be taken back and people remember them for the rest of their lives. Words start wars and forms relationships. Something that can do such drastic things holds power. This reading really reminded me of that opinion. The way that words effect people and can change a generation, or a group. These terms influence how people view themselves in terms of self image as well as society. This is something that needs to be addressed, finding ways to respect people should be a priority and in this case, it feels like it is not.