Update on the new student conduct code:
Here is a summary of the new policy provided by Michael Sledge in the Office of Student Life:
The code outlines prohibited student behavior and the process by which the university addresses alleged student misconduct. The code is intended to hold students accountable in an educational manner. Significant changes to the student conduct code include:
- New section on amnesty (WAC 516-21-055) that clarifies the current practice of encouraging students to seek medical assistance and/or report sexual violence without fear of punishment through the Code;
- Updated sections to better align with recent changes to state law that include alcohol (WAC 516-21-130), drugs and paraphernalia (WAC 516-21-140), and weapons and destructive devices (WAC 516-21-220);
- New sections that better define prohibited conduct (related to Title IX): dating violence (516-21-184), domestic violence (516-21-186), stalking (516-21-188), and discrimination and discriminatory harassment (516-21-115).
Additionally, investigations of alleged sexual violence or discrimination will be conducted by Equal Opportunity Office, with results provided to the Office of Student Life for findings and sanctioning through the student conduct code. Therefore students wishing to make a report of sexual violence or discrimination should do so with the Equal Opportunity Office.
Changes and revisions were recommended by a code revision committee made up of students, staff and faculty. There are some remaining minor issues regarding the conduct process to be resolved during fall quarter with a final code to be completed in fall/winter quarters.
The faculty senate representative on that committee will be invited to a senate meeting later this fall.