The leaves are turning, the rain is falling, and pumpkins are showing up on porches… which means that it must be time for the annual student Humans vs. Zombies game.
(I must admit that this game is one of my least favorite things at Western. But like wind storms and moss, it shows up anyway. Knowledge helps us all. — KAL)
The game will run 7am – 7pm each day Oct. 27 – Nov. 3. The student contact for the game is If you hear of or see any behavioral or safety concerns during this game period, those can be addressed directly to the HvZ Moderator Staff, but Casey Hayden, Coordinator of Student Activities, asks that you also share that info with the Viking Union, either at the main line at x3450 or to Casey directly at x2489.
If you are new to the Western or the game, please review the rules for the game posted on the HvZ website:
As always, feel free to contact the Faculty Senate with concerns. Peace.