Of all the members of our community impacted by the policies of the incoming presidential administration, it is our undocumented students who are feeling most at risk.
Do you know what DACA is? If you don’t, you are not alone. Now is the time to educate ourselves!
DACA is a government directive called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. People who were brought to the United States as children can apply for benefits that allow them to stay, complete their education, and contribute as employees.
Here in Washington, undocumented students are eligible for in-state tuition, but there are some open questions about what will change for students who are DACA recipients if the incoming presidential administration ends DACA as it has pledged to do.
Here is some reading that I have found helpful as I educate myself today:
Basic facts at the American Immigration Council
Advocacy through the Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Everyone Has Rights! National Immigration Law Center
Guide for Teachers Helping Dreamers (PDF) at United We Dream
The Case for Undocumented Students in Higher Education (PDF) at Educators for Fair Consideration
Do you know of other helpful resources for faculty? Please post them in the comments. Stay tuned for much more action from Western on supporting these students, including opportunities for those wishing to become an advocate.
Kristen Larson
New: Caring for the Western Community website https://wp.wwu.edu/cfwc/