Academic Coordinating Commission: Tuesday 2/21 — Agenda
- Many curriculum changes from various committees
- Information on the new Curriculog software package
Academic Coordinating Commission: Tuesday 2/21 — Agenda
OK, I’ll admit that spreadsheets and pie charts are not everybody’s cup of tea, but if you are looking for a concise picture of the University’s financial position, then the annual Financial Report from Accounting Services is a good place to start.
FLR Feb.3, 2017
To: Faculty Senate
From: Sara Singleton
In the past 10 days, House and/or Senate Higher Ed. Committees have heard bills on expanding tenure track faculty, student loans, and textbook costs and the various ways of reducing those costs. There have also been some bills aimed at qualifying the state need grant requirements in various ways, and since there will be at least one more of those next week I will leave that discussion until then.
What a week last week! All of the regularly scheduled faculty governance committees were canceled due to weather. Stay tuned for possible rescheduling.
This week:
University Planning and Resources Council, Wednesday 2/15
This post is part of my “Do you know?” series on resources around Western of interest for faculty.
Have you encountered food insecurity among our students? Chronic hunger can inhibit learning, and feeding members of our community in need is surely part of the Western Way.
Eileen Coughlin, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services, says that she and her staff always start with a referral to Financial Aid counselors, who are authorized to immediately put the $100 on a declining fund card as they assess the student’s need. Western provides $10,000/year in free food credits that can be used at on-campus dining services with a Western Card. Students who receive benefit of Viking free food credits (up to $100/quarter) are not required to live on campus or even have a current food service plan. The food credits are intended to serve the same purpose of a food bank for when a student suddenly finds themselves in a difficult financial situation or while Financial Aid finalizes their aid eligibility. For several years, Western has provided this simple, confidential, and quick method to ensure that students will not go hungry. Financial Aid can also help get students access to local resources or benefits associated with their federal financial aid.
Generally, Financial Aid counselors learn of students needing extra help from students themselves but can also reach out to students upon referral from other areas within the University. If you learn of hunger among your students, please let Financial Aid know. Together we can keep our community fed, both body and mind.