Research Methods

Google Survey

We used this survey as our primary means of gathering data and in our interviews. We chose this method because it allowed us to get a larger number of responses over a longer period of time. The survey was posted on Western’s Facebook page, the class website, and as you can see below, Reddit.


Reddit Post

We used Reddit to get a wider variety in terms of political affiliation and life experiences, so that our results could apply to more people. We didn’t want just hip, young college students taking our survey!


People Chatting

Interviews (all characters and incidents portrayed in this clip art are fictitious. No identification with actual persons living or dead is intended or should be inferred)

Finally, the interviews! We conducted these in person. Each one of our interviews took about 15 minutes. Everyone read through the source and then replied to the same questions as those taking the online survey. The advantages? Well, for one we could stop people from just googling the answers. We were really concerned about that and we did have one person who did google the answers and proudly admitted to doing it on the survey, so this fear was not unfounded! Another benefit is that we could reach more people- it’s easy to ignore a link, but by offering candy we could sucker people in.