The “Usual Suspects”

The following are the news sources we used in our research. See if you can tell which one is real! Click the drop-down menus for more information on each source, including it’s validity. Note we are not providing links to these websites. Some of these tried to give us viruses, we do not recommend you go seeking them out.

“Boy Contracts HIV From Walmart Banana”

Is this source real or is it baloney? Click to find out!


“Donald Trump Proposes One Child Law for Hispanic Families”

Is this source real or is it baloney? Click to find out!


“Facebook Labels Christian Websites as Fake News”

Is this source real or is it baloney? Click to find out!


“Man sues Burger King claiming it backed out of giving him free food for life after he was locked in bathroom”

Is this source real or is it baloney? Click to find out!