Indian Food

Indian food is a unique Asian food because it doesn’t categorize itself closely to the Eastern Asian foods. In each meal the meal does not need to include white rice. Instead, Indian food includes lots of curry.  Most of the food is very spicy and is very flavorful. Indian food is another type of food that prides itself with taste and exciting flavor. Meat is also an intricate part of their cuisine. However, they do not use a lot of beef because they believe cows are a sacred animal. More lamb and chicken are used in the meals rather than beef. Bread is served with most meals. Naan bread can be eaten by itself, but its preferable use is by cleaning up the leftover sauce on your plate. This is a way for you to enjoy the piece of bread and not to waste even the leftover sauce on your plate.

Indian food hasn’t received as much backlash as other Asian foods. This may be possible because it is not been seen in America as much the other types of Asian foods and because India is on the west side of Asia and more people are accustomed to that type of taste.

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“Spicy sauce and Indian food” (Song lyric)

“Dumbo Gets Mad – Indian Food.” Genius, 6 Feb. 2013,

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