Module 1 Learning Objectives

Image: view from beneath kids hands stacked on each others hands.Participants will…

  • Learn more about Facing the Future’s approach
  • Explore the characteristics of global issues and sustainability
  • Apply the concepts of Iceberg Model, Global Issues Balance or Systems Thinking current topics


Facing the Future (FTF) is an independent program of Western Washington University that develops educational tools that equip and motivate students to develop critical thinking skills, build global awareness, and engage in positive solutions for a sustainable future. FTF uses global issues and sustainability as a context and framework to help students learn the content and 21st century skills they’ll need to work toward building a sustainable world.

This online course has been designed to help K-12 educators learn how to use global sustainability as a context for teaching students about energy. Using Fueling Our Future: Exploring Sustainable Energy Use (middle and high school versions) as a guide, participants will gain background knowledge in energy, energy literacy, and sustainability; use the lens of sustainability to explore the social, economic, and environmental impacts of different energy sources; and, identify ways to implement Fueling Our Future lessons in the classroom.



Module 1: Introduction (1:52)

The Iceberg Model:

Content Exploration

  • Find and Read an energy-related news story.
  • How does your news story connect to the Iceberg Model, Global Issues Balance, and Systems Thinking?

Additional Resources

Complete the Pre-Course Survey

The Pre-Course Survey can be found here.

Activity: Individual Reflection

Head over to this Bulletin Board (, add a sticky note, and in a few sentences, connect the article to the Iceberg Model, Global Issues Balance or Systems Thinking.