
@ The Galati Lab

Tetrahymena and other organisms that use cilia for propulsion


Cilia motility movies 

Vertebrate cilia and associated centrosome trafficking structures 


Leica Stellaris 8 Confocal FLIM FCS

Stand – Leica DMi8 automated microscope

Objectives – 10X NA 0.4, 20X NA 0.75, 25X NA 0.95 NA (water), 40X NA 1.4 (oil), 63X NA 1.4 (oil), 63X NA 1.2 (water)

Stage – Encoded, closed loop automated stage with autofocus and Piezo Z axis

Illumination – 80 MHz pulsed white light laser tunable in 1 nm increments from 440-790 nm with 8 lines available simultaneously; 405 nm continuous laser

Detector – 5 HyD detectors with spectrometer for spectral scanning from 410-850 nm

Confocal – Stellaris8 resonance scanning confocal scan head

Super-resolution – Lightning deconvolution based super-resolution to 150 nm

Time-correlated photon counting – Enables fluorescence lifetime measurements and fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy

Computer – HP, Intel Xeon Gold w/ 8 cores, 192 GB RAM, NVIDIA GPU w/ 24 GB RAM

Software – LasX with Tau-sense, Phasors, Lightning, 3D Visualization

Primary Uses – Optical sectioning confocal, FLIM, FCCS, Super-resolution, FRAP, DIC

Galati Lab Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E

 Stand – Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E automated microscope

Objectives – 4X, 20X 0.6 NA, 40X 0.75 NA, 100X 1.45 NA (oil)

Stage – ASI MS-2000 rotary encoded, closed loop

Illumination – Lumencor Aura 4 Channel LED TTL Enabled (microsecond switching)

Camera – Photometrics Prime95B

Computer – Dell Workstation w/ Intel Xeon, 64 GB RAM, NVIDIA GPU w/ 16 GB RAM

Software – Micro-Manager 2.0; FIJI; NanoJ SRRF (super-resolution)

Primary Uses – High speed (~700 frames per second) imaging, fast switching multi-color fluorescence imaging, Super-resolution radial fluctuations (SRRF) microscopy

DeltaVision Deconvolution Scope

Stand – Olympus IX70

Objectives – 20X NA 0.75, 40X NA 0.8, 60X NA 1.4 (water), 60X NA 1.4 (oil)

Stage – Encoded, closed loop automated DeltaVision stage; CellAsics ONIX Live Cell Incubation Chamber

Illumination – Output calibrated Xenon lamp

Detector – Photometrics CoolSnap HQ

Optical Sectioning – Deblurring through deconvolution

Computer – Custom Softwork Workstation

Software – Softworx with full suite of deconvolution algorithms

Primary Uses – Deconvolution microsocpy of moderately thick specimens