@ The Galati Lab
Galati Lab attends ASCB 2022
Nick and Liz attended the 2022 ASCB conference to present Galati lab work on jumping ciliates and FLIM analysis of C. elegans. The C. elegans work was presented as a collaboration with the Dahlberg lab ( The jumping ciliate work...
SCOPE-First highlighted by Western Today
The SCOPE-First outreach project from the Galati lab was featured in the Western Today! What a wonderful experience working with the MVHS 9th graders!! Can't wait till summer research 2023! Read the story here:...
Summer 22 research crew finalized
Emmanuel Sanchez, Haven Johansen, Teagan Ridgway, Tulip O'Neill, Aidan Pintuff, and Rose Border have committed to research in the Galati Lab this summer! We look forward to fun imaging cilia and working with the SCOPE-First crew!
Hannah Fisher successfully defends their MS thesis!
Han Fisher has successfully defended their thesis and is on their way to the University of Pennsylvania to work as a research associate! Congratulations Han!
The rising 9th grade students who will be part of the NSF-funded SCOPE-First outreach project have been finalized. The Galati looks forward to a fun summer building a microscope and mentoring high school students. Welcome to crew SCOPE-First!
Western Today writes a story on Lee and Galati Labs
The Western Today has published a story highlighting the synergy between NSF CAREEER awards that were awarded to Dr. Suzanne Lee's lab and the Galati lab during the 2022 funding cycle. Read more here:...
Galati lab receives NSF CAREER award!
The Galati lab is humbled and honored to receive an NSF CAREER award to study cilia positioning and to conduct outreach with first-generation college students from Mount Vernon High School. For more information, see the NSF award link.
Galati lab gets a Scialog grant from Research Corporation
A $165,000 grant from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement was awarded to Nick, Doug Shepherd (Arizona State University) and Shannon Quinn (University of Georgia) to develop a new multi-modal microscope for tracking cilia.
Liz gets a grant from NASA
MS student Elizabeth Cameron was awarded a $6,000 summer research grant from NASA to study human centrosomes. Congratulations Elizabeth!
Jonah Goodfried joins the lab
Jonah Goodfried, a second year Biochemistry student, has joined the lab to work on a human centrosome project. Welcome Jonah!