
@ The Galati Lab


Nick Galati - Assistant Professor
Graduate Students

Liz Cameron, BS University of California Santa Cruz, FRET-FLIM analysis of centrosome protein dynamics

Tulip O’Neill, BS Western Washington University, CRISPR-Cas to analyze centriolar satellites

Patrick Pando, BS Western Washington University, Computational image analysis of DNA damage in Tetrahymena (Patrick is co-mentored with Dr. Suzanne Lee in the Biology Department at WWU)

Teagan Ridgway, BS Western Washington University, Ciliary mechanisms of predator/prey interactions in the marine protist Strobilidium (Teagan is co-mentored with Dr. Brady Olson in the Biology Department at WWU)

Undergraduate STudents

Haven Johansen, Biology and Fairhaven Interdisciplinary Double Major, Cilia calcium dynamics, REU CSUMB 2021

Jonah Goodfried, Biochemistry Major, Centriolar satellite dynamics, Fred Hutch Summer Intern Dr. Sue Biggins Lab 2022

Rose Border, Molecular and Cellular Biology Major, Cilia calcium dynamics

Aidan Pintuff, Molecular and Cellular Biology Major, Cilia positioning in Tetrahymena

Finn Barry, Molecular and Cellular Biology Major, Cilia calcium dynamics

Ekaterina Monakhova, Molecular and Cellular Biology Major, Cilia positioning in Tetrahymena

High School Students

Esmeralda Nolasco, Mt. Vernon High School


Graduate Students

Han Fisher, MS, 2022 – Research Assistant Aplenc Lab, Children’s Hospital of  Philadelphia –

Undergraduate STudents

Emmanuel Sanchez, BS, 2022, Biological Microscopist Allen Institute for Cell Science

Josh McNamara, BS, 2021, PhD Student at University of California – Santa Barbara

William Zwolinski, BS, 2021, Applying for lab technician positions

Aliki Valdes, BS, 2020, PhD student at Northwestern University

Esmeralda Farias, BS, 2020, Wildlife Biologist at Washington State Department of Natural Resources

Bailey McCurdy, BS, 2019, PhD student at the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Biology 484 Students

Jade Stair, BS, Research technician at the University of Washington

Faith Verburg, BS, Medical school student

Laura Balbiani, BS, Research Technician at Nortis

Zak Landers, BS, Medical school applicant

Brandy Schaeffer, BS, Veterinary school student

Alexis Suyama, BS, Research technician at the Oregon Health Science University

Nina-Tuyen Tran, BS, Research technician at Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center