
I love teaching physics – and I hope to make my students see the world with a new sense of curiosity and wonder. Physics is literally everywhere around us in our everyday lives! In my opinion, a big part of what drives the progress of science is to never give up on the curiosity we see in little kids. Let’s keep asking “why…?”

Classes I am currently teaching:

  • PHYS 368: Electromagnetism I
  • PHYS 391: Junior Lab

Previously I have taught the following classes at Western Washington University:

  • PHYS 161: Physics with Calculus I (remote and in person)
  • PHYS 162: Physics with Calculus II (remote)
  • PHYS 368: Electromagnetism I (in person)
  • PHYS 391: Junior Lab (remote and in person)


  • General Physics I (Grand Valley State University)
  • General Physics II (Grand Valley State University)
  • Topics in Contemporary Physics (University of Washington, co-taught)

Office Hours

Monday 2:00-2:50pm, Friday 11:00-11:50am (as of Winter Quarter 2025)

Also, If you need to schedule a meeting, just send me an email!

As the current Community Ambassador for the Department of Physics and Astronomy, I am also available to talk about any issues related to your experiences (good or bad) regarding department climate, inclusion, etc.! I don’t have a fixed time slot allocated to this; if my office door is open, I am available (or you can email me to schedule a meeting)!