
My name is Spencer Green and my pronouns are she, her, hers. I am a freshman at Western Washington University, and this project was part of one of my English 101 projects and I decided to write about something that I have a personal experience with. Yes, thats right I wear hearing aids. No I’m not one of those old ladies that goes back to school once her kids are all grown up, I’m actually 18 years old. I was born with some hearing loss and had lots of surgeries in my ears as a child and the surgeries affected my ears enough that this is just how my life is now. I think its pretty neat that having hearing aids has not prevented me from wanting to become a teacher on day when I finish school.

I wanted to make a page about  hearing aids and deafness, and how they are effect with every day activities and in different contexts. I actually hate writing and don’t usually enjoy putting myself out there like this, but I thought it was really cool to get a perspective from someone who lives a normal every day life and has a different perspective on certain genres.

My favorite genre is singing and listening to music. I know what you might be thinking, but trust me when I say that you don’t have to hear all of the music to feel it in your soul. I suck at singing because I can no longer hear some of that pitch and range but I love trying to learn all of the worlds to not feel left out in a crowd. My favorite artist right now to listen to is Billie Eilish, She usually has a deep base playing that I can hear no matter what and her music always has a message in it that I could listen to over and over again. I hope I never loose all of my hearing because music would be something that I would miss so much, it lifts my mood and transforms me to another world when listening to it.

While I was researching this project and finding different genres I started to research sports surrounding the deaf community. As I dug deeper I learned that only having hearing loss is not enough of as disability to qualify for the paralympics. I would have just assumed that hearing loss would be enough of a disadvantage that it would be part of those games, but the olympic rules do not say that it is enough.

I hope you enjoy my website and learn a little bit about hearing loss and their effects on every day life.