Why collaborate with Dr. Grimm’s Lab?
Hands-on laboratory work is essential in preparation for a career in the biosciences. Several undergraduates from the laboratory have gone on to take positions in basic research as laboratory technicians. Others have gone on to PhD graduate programs in Psychology or the Neurosciences.
The laboratory usually has from 5-10 undergraduate laboratory assistants. These students are typically Psychology or Behavioral Neuroscience majors. Most students work in the laboratory approximately 10 hours a week, although some put in much more time including time on weekends. The majority of students volunteer, although there are opportunities to receive Psychology research credit. Some of the advanced students are paid off of a NIH grant. Others have used their work study funds to receive compensation for working in the laboratory. Some students have presented research results at the annual PsychFest conference and/or at national or international meetings including the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
Inquire with Dr. Grimm if you are interested in becoming a laboratory assistant. Preparation for becoming a laboratory assistant would include taking Psychology 220 and Introductory Biology and Chemistry courses. Completing the first research/stats courses for Psychology or Behavioral Neuroscience would also be helpful. Interested students are also advised to become involved with the Neuroscience Research Driven Students (NeRDS) club. Students in their sophomore year are most encouraged to inquire, as getting multiple years of experience in lab work is most beneficial to the student and to the lab.
Dr. Grimm can be reached here
Current Lab Members
- Colin Bacon
- Jenavieve Barson
- Talia Frost-Belansky
- Frances Hernandez-Roman
- Lucas Jackson
- Katrina Sanko
- Julie Weber