Internet Addiction Online Resources- 5th Grade


  • This is the best site for students because it is interactive, educational, and doesn’t require the use of the actual computer. This checklist has students list their internet usage from 0-5 and the total number at the end helps dictate how h they are being with the internet.This final score would be a personal number that each student could see to understand if their internet habits are healthy or not.

Core Integration:

  •  There is a designated time in the week when students practice their typing skills, so this survey about their internet usage would follow that nicely. This survey can be done in class or at home on paper or on a computer. After finding out their total number of points, each student can reflect on their total number and think about ways they can improve on it.
  • Washington Educational Technology Standards, this activity follows:
      • 1.2.1: Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
      • 2.1: Practice Safety: Practice safe, legal and ethical behavior in the use of information and technology.
        • 2.1.1: Practice personal safety.
        • 2.2.1: Develop skills to use technology effectively.
      • 1.3:  Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems using digital tools and resources.
        • 1.3.3: Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.


    • NHES Standard 2: “Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.”
      •  2.5.1: Describe how family influences personal health practices and behaviors.
      •   2.5.6: Describe ways that technology can influence personal health.
    • NHES Standard 5: “Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.”
      •  5.5.1: Identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision.
      • 5.5.2: Analyze when assistance is needed in making a health-related decision.
      • 5.5.3: List healthy options to health-related issues or problems.
      • 5.5.5: Choose a healthy option when making a decision.
      • 5.5.6: Describe the outcomes of a health-related decision.
    • NHES Standard 6: “Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.”
      • 6.5.1: Set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.
    • NHES Standard 7: “Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.”
      • 7.5.1: Identify responsible personal health behaviors.
      • 7.5.2: Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
      • 7.5.3: Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.
    • NHES Standard 8: “Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.”
      •  Express opinions and give accurate information about health issues.
      • Encourage others to make positive health choices.


  • NetAddiction seemed to be the most well-equipped, up-to-date, and helpful website that could be used by students or teachers. It offers an abundance of resources, treatment services, and internet addiction assessments.The website includes informational videos on the topic, how to spot signs of internet addiction, as well as resources for different books that could be read as people are recovering from their addiction.

Core Integration:

  • There is a video game addiction quiz  and general screen time addiction test that students can use to assess the amount of screen time they are getting. These assessments could be used as part of a unit of self-care, in a lesson focusing on technology. For older students, a lesson plan by that centers around a documentary called “Web Junkie” can be used or adapted to fit the needs of different lessons.


  • NHES: Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.
    • 3.2.1 Identify trusted adults and professionals who can help promote health.
    • 3.8.4 Describe situations that may require professional health services.
  • NHES: Standard 7: “Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.”
    • 7.5.1 Identify responsible personal health behaviors.


  • The Center for Parenting Education  is a great resource for parents who seek advice on parenting their children. This website explains what internet addiction is and provides statistics to back up their description. It outlines the health impacts internet addiction has on children and ways to spot if your child is addicted. This website provides information on how much screen time a child should have depending on their age range as well as the dangers that come along with children and internet use. Lastly, they also suggest ways to manage your child’s screen time and tips on appropriate times to allow children screen time.

14 thoughts on “Internet Addiction Online Resources- 5th Grade

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