Media Resources About Children with ADHD

Short Film:

Title: Using Tigger to help people recognize ADHD in themselves and others

By: Jack Newell

Year: 2017

Length: 3 minutes and 57 seconds

Brief description:

This short film was created by an upcoming doctor, based off of the famous story and movie Winnie the Pooh. Each character is diagnosed with a psychological disorder. Tigger is diagnosed with ADHD. This film was created to help children understand what the symptoms are and what it is like to have ADHD by using the well-known Tigger as the example.


Tigger is known to have ADHD. This film goes through the things that Tigger does throughout the movie. Jack Newell pauses the movie as he talks about diagnosing Tigger. One example is how Tigger never finishes a job or task. There are charts showing the different symptoms of ADHD and allowing the listeners and watchers to follow along with understanding why Tigger is diagnosed with ADHD.

NHES Standards:

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Core Integration:

This topic is something that is needed to be addressed in a separate manner. This short film would be used as a closer type of lesson. The video moves very fast and I would show a separate clip of just Tigger and see what the class can come up with the actions of Tigger and how you can associate those with ADHD. Then show this short film to confirm or add to what the students already addressed themselves. Also, the charts in this film are a nice refresher or reminder as to what to look for because they are very easy to read when you have learned about the topic already.

Film Link:



Title: Odd Kid Out

Producer: Karen O’Donnell

Year: 2004

Length: 52 minutes

Rating: Cannot find actual rating but suggested for ages 10 years

Brief Description:

            This documentary is for providing information about ADHD in a way that kids grades 3-5 can understand. It is easy for children that age to relate and follow along with. They are able to see the realistic life style of others and compare and contrast to their own or a friends life style.


In this documentary, as a watcher, you follow along with three different families to see how they go through life with ADHD. Not only do you get to see what the children with ADHD go through on a daily basis, but also see how the families cope and how they are affected by it as well. With such an intimate viewing of the family’s lives, you are able to see the treatments as well as the community support and help.

NHES Standards:

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Core Integration:

With this subject being on its own, this could either work as an introduction film to the topic or as an early stage lesson to the topic. This documentary lays out all of the information needed for kids to not need any background knowledge before watching this. Therefore, it is very helpful to start and get the topic opened up to dive into deeper afterwards.

Documentary link:


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