5th Grade Anger Management: Internet Source for Students


By: Tori Vacknitz, Alice Cao and Sarah Chamberlin

Site Name: Kids Health (For Kids)- Taking Charge of Anger

Reason for Choosing this Site:

This site provides strong information connecting with the National Health Education Standards (NHES). This particular site is the best source for 3-5th graders because it can be both read to oneself, read out loud in English or Spanish to students, and has hyperlinks to different emotions that students could explore through this safe and reliable source. This site can be utilized in computer lab time so students can better understand anger and the following topics including what is anger, what makes you angry, can you tell when I am/others are angry, how to manage their anger, and how to bust anger in a safe way.

Core Integration:

I would incorporate Taking Charge of Anger into my classroom by sharing this information into a unit talking about emotions and how to manage these feelings in healthy ways. After going through the valuable information this site has, I would have students explore the last page of the tab and practice some of the Anger Busters (page 3 of article) which are tools for students to healthily manage anger when stressed and angry. By practicing these skills as a class and individually, the students will be able to explore their understanding of these resources from this webpage.

NHES Applicable:

NHES 1: Students will be able to comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

  • V1.5.2 Describe the benefits of using nonviolent means to solve interpersonal conflict.
  • V1.5.3 Explain that anger is a normal emotion.
  • V1.5.13 Identify situations that might lead to violence.
  • PHW1.5.2 Describe values that promote healthy behaviors.
  • MEH1.5.1 Identify characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person.
  • MEH1.5.3 Describe the relationship between feelings and behavior.
  • MEH1.5.5 Describe appropriate ways to express and deal with emotions.
  • MEH1.5.15 Explain that anger is a normal emotion.

NHES 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

  • V2.5.7 Describe how relevant influences of peers affect personal violence prevention practices and behaviors.
  • PHW2.5.2 Identify relevant influences of peers on personal health and wellness-related practices and behaviors.

NHES 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.


  • MEH3.5.1 Describe characteristics of accurate mental and emotional health information.


  • MEH3.5.3 Describe characteristics of appropriate and trustworthy mental and emotional health services.

NHES 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

  • V4.5.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to prevent violence.
  • V4.5.2 Explain how to be empathetic and compassionate towards others to prevent violence.   
  • V4.5.4 Demonstrate healthy ways to manage or resolve conflict to prevent violence.
  • MEH 4.5.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
  • MEH4.5.2 Explain how to be empathetic and compassionate towards others.
  • MEH4.5.3 Demonstrate effective peer resistance skill to avoid or reduce mental or emotional health risk.
  • MEH4.5.4 Demonstrate healthy ways to manage or resolve interpersonal conflict.
  • PHW4.5.3 Demonstrate effective peer resistance skill to avoid or reduce. participating in behaviors that can negatively affect personal health and wellness.

NHES 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

  • MEH5.5.1 Identify situations that need a decision related to mental and emotional health (e.g., dealing with interpersonal conflict, managing emotional stress)
  • MEH5.5.2 Decide when help is needed and when is not needed to make a decision related to mental and emotional health (e.g., dealing with interpersonal conflict, managing emotional stress)
  • MEH5.5.3 Explain how family, culture, peers, or media influence a decision related to mental and emotional health (e.g., dealing with interpersonal conflict, managing emotional stress)

NHES 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

  • MEH6.5.1 set a realistic personal goal to improve or maintain positive mental and emotional health
  • PHW6.5.3 Identify resources that can help achieve a personal health and wellness goal.  

NHES 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.


  • V7.5.1 Describe practices and behaviors that reduce or prevent violence
  • V7.5.2 Demonstrate violence prevention practices and behaviors


  • V7.5.3 Make a commitment to practice violence prevention behaviors
  • PHW7.5.1 Describe practices and behaviors that reduce or prevent personal health and wellness risks
  • PHW7.5.3 Make a commitment to practice positive personal health and wellness behaviors.
  • MEH7.5.1 Describe mental and emotional practices and behaviors that reduce or prevent health risks.
  • MEH7.5.3 Make a commitment to practice healthy mental and emotional health behaviors.

NHES 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

  • V8.5.3 Demonstrate how to persuade others to prevent violence

Healthy Behavior Outcomes Applicable:

For Preventing Violence:

  • HBO 1: Manage interpersonal conflict in nonviolent ways.
  • HBO 2: Manage emotional distress in nonviolent ways.
  • HBO 4: Avoid engaging in violence, including sexual harassment, coercion, exploitation, physical fighting, and rape.
  • HBO 5: Avoid situations where violence is likely to occur.
  • HBO 6: Avoid associating with others who are involved in or who encourage violence or criminal activity.

For Personal Health and Wellness:

  • HBO 2: Practice appropriate hygiene habits.

For Mental Emotional Health:

  • HBO 1: Express feelings in a healthy way.
  • HBO 2: Engage in activities that are mentally and emotionally healthy.
  • HBO 3: Prevent and manage interpersonal conflict, in healthy ways.
  • HBO 4: Prevent and manage emotional stress and anxiety in healthy ways.

Hyperlink: Taking Charge of Anger for Students, Grades 3-5

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