A Helpful Guide for a Healthy Mouth

Internet Source for Students: Interactive and Educational

Site Name:  Mouth Healthy Kids

  • Reason for choosing this site:

o   After browsing the internet, I found this website to be the most thorough. Not only does it have a section for children, it also addresses educators needs. The website is highly interactive with many tabs that lead to a multitude of options for the child to explore.  There are activity sheets, games, quizzes and even videos that show the child how to brush and the benefits of brushing in a cute and catchy manner. They even have calendars that encourage a child to maintain a brushing chart, thus promoting the healthy habits at a young age. This website can be used by the teacher as a follow up to information addressed in class. The website is bilingual and therefore would be a great asset to reach out to many different cultures.

  • Core Integration:

o   This website would be an asset to any classroom. For my class in particular though, I would introduce this website to the children and educate them with a dental health demonstration from the website to peak their interest.  Afterwards, I would have chosen  a few worksheets to further enforce the importance of proper brushing habits at a young age. These tactics can be used as a means to deliver instruction to the parents through their own children performing the demonstration learned or telling them what they had learned about proper dental health that day in class.

  • NHES Applicable:

o   NHES 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

  • PHW1.2.1 “Identify the proper steps for daily brushing and flossing.” (HBO 1&2)
  • PHW1.2.2 “State why hygiene is important to good health.” (HBO 1&2)
  • PHW1.2.3 “Identify the benefits of personal health care practices such as washing hair and bathing regularly.” (HBO 1&2)
  • PHW1.2.4 “State the benefits of proper hand washing.” (HBO 2)


Healthy Behavior Outcomes Applicable:

o   HBO 1: Brush and floss daily

o   HBO 2: Practice appropriate hygiene habits

o   HBO 6: Practice behaviors that prevent infectious diseases

o   HBO 7: Practice behaviors that prevent chronic diseases


Internet Source for Teachers: Informative and Reliable

Site Name: Colgate: Bright Smiles, Bright Futures – “Dental Hygiene Classroom Materials and Curriculum for Teachers”

  • Reason for Choosing This Site

o   The above website was found under a reputable site associated with Colgate. Within the site, there are several tabs at the top and under, Bright Smiles, Bright Futures, there are materials and resources for teachers, parents, kids, volunteers, and dental professionals. Under the particular tab, For Teachers, are various guides, activities and videos. The title of this site is Dental Hygiene Classroom Materials and Curriculum for Teachers.

o   From my research, I found that the Colgate website was the most effective in informing teachers about how to teach dental health. Colgate offers kits for teachers to use in their classrooms. The activity-based programs offered by Colgate specifically help to integrate oral health into the classroom; their lesson plans and guides are a simple and easy to use tool for teachers. The website has guides for as young as “Early Head Start” and Pre-K all the way through grade 3. Each guide consists of various activities, lessons, learning objectives, and global education standards. The guides are more than simply a list of what students should be doing to practice good dental health. They go beyond in a fun, informative and interactive way that makes it easy for kids to care about dental health.

NHES applicable:

o   NHES 1: “Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.”

  • PHW 1.2.1 “Identify the proper steps for daily brushing and flossing teeth.”
  • PHW 1.2.2 “State why hygiene is important to good health.”
  • PHW 1.2.10 “Describe what it means to be healthy.”
  • PHW 1.2.11 “Identify ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause common infectious diseases.”

 NHES 7: “Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.”

  • PHW 7.2.1 “Identify personal health and wellness practices that reduce or prevent health risks.”
  • PHW 7.2.2 “Demonstrate positive personal health and wellness practices.”
  • PHW 7.2.3 “Make a commitment to practice positive personal health and wellness behaviors.”


  • Healthy Behavior Outcomes Applicable:

o   HBO 1: “Brush and floss teeth daily.”

o   HBO 2: “Practice appropriate hygiene habits.”

o   HBO 6: “Practice behaviors that prevent infectious diseases.”

o   HBO 7: “Practice behaviors that prevent chronic diseases.”

o   HBO 10 “Seek out help for common infectious diseases and chronic diseases and conditions.”

o   HBO 11: “Seek out health care professionals for appropriate screenings and examinations.”

  • Core Integration:

o   In the Oral Health Education Program Teacher’s Guide (For Grades 2-3), there is a section on plaque. I think this would make for a good science experiment, looking at the various things we consume and how each would affect tooth enamel.

o   I would adapt this lesson plan to fit for 2nd graders.

  • Connection to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

o   Practice 3: “Students should have opportunities to plan and carry out several different kinds of investigations during their K-12 years.


Internet Source for Parents: Informative and Resourceful

Site Name: KidsHealth

After spending some time searching the internet for reputable sites that provide clear and focused information to help parent care for their children’s teeth, I found KidsHealth to be among the best. This site includes many answers to frequently asked questions that parents may have regarding their child’s dental health. There are also many different diagrams and slideshows that can help parents understand the importance of good dental health and what exactly is going on inside their child’s mouth.

Something that I particularly value as a pre-service teacher is that the site has a function where a narrator will read the article to the viewer, as well as highlighting the words they are reading so the viewer can follow along. This can be especially helpful when parents are trying to find out more about dental health, but may not know how to read. The narrator can also read the article to the parents in Spanish, which is another helpful tool for parents that may not know English.

In order to introduce parents to this site, I would send a flyer home that outlined some of the tools this website offers. I could also send an email to the parents, that included a hyperlink to the website.

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