Bullying Prevention, Grade 6, Internet Source for Teachers

Stop Bully- Assess Bullying

The reason I chose this website for teachers is because it’s important to know first and foremost if your students have experienced bullying and what their definition of bullying is. This website offers reasons why assessment of bullying in class is important, tips to creating an assessment, and what to do after you’ve received the results. If through assessment, the teacher finds the bullying happening in their class is more than a big kid picking on a smaller kid, but is really a matter of race, gender, or other cultural issues, then the teacher will have to broach the topic of bullying from a different mindset. Also, if the students say they’ve never experienced bullying, than that would also change the teacher’s plan for how to address bullying. This website allows the teacher to know what kinds of bullying are happening among their students and opens a welcoming dialogue with students that develops trust. In my classroom, I would use this website as a way to set up a formative assessment for my students before beginning our unit on bullying, that way I can adjust the context of our discussions in class in order to incorporate what I learned from the pre-assessment. At the end of the unit, I would need to collect a post-assessment to make sure my students understood the health topics incorporated throughout the bullying unit.

National Health Education Standards:

  • WaSEH H1.So5.6a Describe different types of harassment, intimidation, and bullying.
  • NHES Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
  • NHES Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

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