Sleep: Integrated Media Sources for 2nd Grade



  • Title: Why do we sleep?
  • Producer: Russell Foster
  • Year: 2013
  • Length: 21:43
  • Rating: Good, 17,000 likes on for Science and Technology



This video gives a description of the importance of sleep and the neuroscience behind it. He addresses previous claims about sleep and reflects on why those claims have been proven to be false. Throughout the video he goes into descriptive scientific detail about what the brain does while we are asleep and exactly what positive benefits are happening. This source is the best media source for a documentary because it is a TED talk. It is short enough where I can show it in class, and where it won’t bore the students.There is enough evidence in the TED talk that explains in a scientific way, why sleep is important for you.This gives students the necessary facts to fill out the KWL chart that I will have them do while they are watching this film. Other documentaries are way longer, and I would not be able to have enough time to show this or integrate this into the core english area.


Review: Overall, it was a very educational video about the neuroscience of sleep. It was a little bit hard to follow at times because of the scientific terms he uses, but it gives great detail on why sleep is so important.



NHES: Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

PHW5.5.6        Describe the outcomes of a health-related decision.

NHES: Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

PHW6.5.1    Set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.

PHW6.5.2    Identify resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal.


Core Integration:

To integrate this into the classroom we could have the link available on a newsletter/email/school website for teachers, students, and parents to easily access it. To integrate this video into a core curriculum area, I could do a writing lesson based on this movie. Although this documentary is a bit over their ZPD, this would be a way to enlarge their ZPD. This documentary would be an awesome “hook” into the writing project. I would do a KWL chart and have them write down (or draw) what they observe before, during, and after the film.


Standards: English Language Arts Standards Grade 

Key Ideas and Details:

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events

Text Types and Purposes:

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1.B Provide reasons that support the opinion.
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.B Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.



Popular Film: 

  • Title: Sleeping Beauty
  • Producer: Walt Disney
  • Year: 1959
  • Length: 75 minutes
  • Rating: 7.3 IMDB and 92% Rotten Tomatoes


In this fictional disney movie, a princess has a curse put on her by a witch. The princess was to die on her 16th birthday. Three good witches came and also gave their blessings. When the evil witch gave hers, the parents of the princess decided it was best that she be raised by the three good witches far, far away. So the princess was taken to a cottage in the woods where she grew up. One day, out in the woods she met a prince, and started to fall in love with him. On her 16th birthday, the evil witch’s curse came true and the princess fell into a deep sleep, that could only be reversed by true loves kiss. The prince battled through many obstacles to get the princess, but he succeeded, and his kiss awoke the princess. This is the best selection for my health topic, because it is interactive and is relatable to students of this age. I looked for a while to find a movie, but a lot of popular movies were about horror or they were not appropriate for students to watch. This one was wholesome, and relatable.



Because there aren’t a ton of movies that can be tied to sleep patterns to show healthy lifestyle habits, I thought about tying this into a core subject of drama/art and arts integration. I think that this could be a good way to not only integrate arts into the classroom, but also health education. Because this is a elementary class, and this is a disney movie, students would be interested in it already. The pictures and illustrations would help engage students into the plot. I would relate this to not only theater, but also into then talking about sleep, because one of the main events is that the princess gets put into a deep sleep.



Standard 1: “Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.”

PHW1.5.3    Explain why sleep and rest are important for proper growth and good health.

PHW1.5.2    Describe values that promote healthy behaviors.

Healthy Behavior Outcomes Applicable:

HBO 2: “Practice appropriate hygiene habits.”

HBO 3: “Get an appropriate amount of sleep and rest.”

Learning Objective: To be engaged with the film to start learning the script for a theatre play or informal play. Then to be able to take away what healthy lifestyle habit (Sleep) we have been focusing on.

Core Integration:

This will be integrated into theatre, this will be based off students acting out this movie. I think this isn’t necessarily a CORE area, but also is an arts integration into the class. So, I would have them watch this move, with the intent of picking out roles to act out. The students would be engaging with the film, and since this would a be an assignment, I would hopefully have them watch it multiple times. I would also have already talked about sleeping patterns already, reading them books (Literature assignment) and also maybe have a healthy habit of the month that we would be focusing on. I would have them pick out their role for this and I would also tell the students that there is a healthy habit that we have been focusing on in this film, and to be looking for it throughout the film. Since I would have been including the topic of sleep in other activities, this will hopefully be an easy find.

Standards: NAS (National Art Standards) Grade 2 Theatre

  • TH:Cr1.1.2
    1. Create roles, imagined worlds, and improvised stories in a drama/theatre work.
    2. Imagine and articulate ideas for costumes, props and sets for the environment and characters in a drama/theatre work.
    3. Collaborate to determine how characters might move and speak to support the story and given circumstances in drama/theatre work.





41 thoughts on “Sleep: Integrated Media Sources for 2nd Grade

  1. Prank sätter en hög standard när det gäller dataskydd, transaktionssäkerhet och ansvarsfullt spelande, vilket är avgörande för den svenska marknadencJn

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