Hamsters are the superior pet

If you were asking yourself why to choose a hamster over any other animal, then you’ve come to the right place!

  1. Hamsters are cute: they are tiny, fuzzy animals.
  2. Hamsters are easy to take care of: you just need to feed them, (once a day) replace their water if it’s empty, put them in their ball every night, and replace their bedding (once every 1-3 weeks depending on the cage size)
  3. Hamsters are smart: they can learn a few tricks like standing up on their hind legs or come to their owner. (They are also smart enough to escape their cage!)
  4. They are great company.
  5. They are very affordable: a hamster with its cage and everything is about $100.
  6. They are independent: they store their food to eat later, clean themselves and can entertain themselves.

How to convince your parents

If I’ve convinced you to get a hamster, you might also need to convince your parents.

To convince your parents to get a hamster, you need to show your responsibility. I know many websites say this, but what is different on this website and not any others is I am going to give you examples on how to show your responsibility. First, you can ask to do more chores than normal. Second, you can do your homework without being told. And lastly, you can make sure your room is always clean.

You also need to prove to your parents you have reaserch about hamsters (like you’re doing now) so they know you can be trustworthy with one. So read this…

You can ask to pay for your hamster when you get it.

Lastly, (the best way) ask for an animal that makes them say, “You’re not responsible enough!” such as a dog, set their expectations really high, then after a few weeks of doing this, say you would like a hamster.